Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

good mid day,

nice out.. just barely needed a jacket this morning,,

went to town for coffee,, got there late and everybody had left already..

put the final touches on all 3 hatching trays and took some pictures..

I will post pics on a separate page ..

had a call for some chicks that aren't even hatched yet.. I am going to go through the bators and write down all the dates and where in the bator the eggs are stacked ..

this is all 3 trays installed in the hatcher/incubator..
they are an inch deep, 12 inches wide and 24 inches long..
the wings on each side is to prevent the chicks from crawling over the edges and falling down that space between the side of the tray and the side of the hatcher wall..

this is a shot of the bottom of the tray. that is 1/2 inch square
wire bottom..
typical corner detail.. wood skid on the bottom, wire bottom, 1 inch deep wooden tray, and the wings along each side..


a close up of the tray in place. note the skid track on the bottom left of this tray,, I beveled it like a sled to make it slide easier without sticking..
All of the wood used is clear red oak..


this is a shot of the inside of bator #2.. these are all eggs from my chickens and guineas.
the wider trays hold 48 eggs and the narrower trays hold 36 eggs..
the trays fit 2 to a rack.. this incubator has 8 trays in it thanks to the ones I have stacked.

bator #1 is just as loaded as this one is..
Well the swap was so so for selling. So many more vendors but not as many sales as in Ladysmith. I will go back to their fall swap however. I sold all but 1 BLRW, all my EE, only 2 prod. and I believe 3 SS. Alot of the people over there were quite blunt telling me that $2 for a prod chick was way too much, the other prices I didn't care what they had to say about as I know what I have. Alot of people were hearing the same thing from the same people. It didn't bother me as I already have them all sold at home anyhow, just wanted to take them along to feel it out. I ended up buying a black Cochin banty roo for $5 to bring home to my lonely girls, he's not quite year old and hasn't serviced any girls yet. He's is quarantine for his 3 weeks atm, then I'll see how the ladies like him. I think he's going to do just fine.

Come home to 5 more chicks hatched and just candled, killed the rest I'm sure from opening the bator too much yesterday and lastnight. My own fault but not too worried about it. I filled the Brinsea back up yesterday with way too many eggs stacked to the hilt just to get them in before they were no longer good. Some were collected on back on the 6th and not sure if they'll even hatch. I had most of the prod eggs sit longer waiting for room and they were all fertile until I wrecked them. I won't be making that mistake again, if they aren't ready they aren't ready!! I took a nap when I got home as I didn't get to bed til about 10:30 and was wide awake since 12am. Never even had time to check the big bator to see if changing the heater coils will make a dif in the temps. Tomorrow sounds like a better day to even deal with it. I'll clean out the home made styrofoam and add the 41 on the hova turner as I have 6 dozen yet sitting. I have to get those monsters figured out as I have an order of 10 doz prod eggs to pick up Monday, I may just add another heater coil to the bottom of the bator just to see if that will bring the temp up where it should be, I can worry about the second one working the way I want at a later day. I doubt I'd ever use it anyhow other than for parts.

It was nice meeting you today wildsam, I'm quite sorry I couldn't chat with you more, the people were just swarming me with questions. I finally left around 10am as most people were pulling out and it wasn't worth my time to stay. I wish the chicks didn't need heat as it seemed not as many people come into the building as were outside. Next swap is Ricestonian, hope I have chicks hatched for then, I only have 20 set to hatch the 26th.

Sure turned out to be a nice day, too bad I spent it driving and napping! Maybe tomorrow I can spend it outside.

Just called the guy who buys my prod chicks and he's taking all 19 and may take all my Sussex I have left(11) Hope he does then I won't have any chicks to feed!
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CS, same and same. Rather depressing. No news to report on either front.

Today was eventful. My youngest DD sent me a txt at 12:30. There is no money in our lunch account so they will not let us eat. The school policy is not to feed the kids if they have a balance that is below -$10. Now, they allowed my MS child to eat but none of my HS students. I know darn well that the youngest did not eat $10 worth of food at lunch, which means they had a neg balance yesterday. I am supposed to be notified when the account is negative so I can correct the issue. I have not gotten an email yet from the school about their lunch account.
What a bunch of crap! That happens in our school district too. I would rather feed the kids than throw the food away, but what do I know?
We thought we should try for White Bass today....... I think we should have stayed home.


One trip to the ER and an ice cream cone made it all better.

Hi All!

Didn't come home with a log splitter
it went for $800! That's almost what a brand new one is! I did get a couple of chairs and something (in a box of stuff) I'll throw in for white elephant.

Bl4.... You son had an interesting hair piece! LOL When my youngest was about 6 his brother got him right in the cheek! It was a perfect hook.... if he were a fish!

The broody gave up already, I think maybe the Toms were fighting and stumbled too close. Looked like a mess in the coop when I went to close up, a bunch of stuff knocked over.

That's it... Night All!
Quote: Son ; "but mom, I don't know how to cast "..
Mom: "just shut up and try, use your head for a change" ..

when by brother Dave was very young, he was casting out just a worm on a hook,, Hooked my Dad right on the eye lid.. Dad shouted whoa, and Dave stopped .. didn't penetrate the skin, it just sort of hung there,, with this worm wiggling in Dad's eye
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Morning all,

I ordered chicks yesterday. I normally get them from Abendroths but they are closed on the next Friday, The day I have off so I splurged and got Buffs and black astrolaps to be delivered this friday.
It should be warm enough and maybe just maybe I will get eggs by the fall

I am trying to make a hatching chart that I can store in the computer and access and change it whenever I need to..

I prolly will end up doing it on paper..

nothing new or exciting around here..

the neighbor worked up my garden while he was doing the field around us..
His equipment goes so deep, I will prolly have a few tons of rock to pick..

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Waiting to run/walk my first 10kwith my youngest DD. Hoping we finish within the hour and a half allotted.

Going to attempt fishing again this afternoon...... hoping we have no more trips to the hospital.

Otonoh, you could have gotten chicks from your fellow cheeseheads I bet. So sorry about your girls....

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