Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Welcome! What kind of chickies do you habe?

Well....... As of right now I have 1 4-week old Salmon favorelle pullet, who is the sweetest thing. I also have 4 english orps from Delisha; so far we are thinking all cockerels :( one is dark with silvery cuckoo barring, two are GL, and one is a GL but is very very light. These, by the way, need a home. So if your interested......:p

I hatched Wheaten Ameraucanas, but they were ALL cockerels. Talk about bad hatching odds!

I also have english orps that are one week old. I am crossing my fingers I get two pullets. In fact, @Jbher and I are partners-in-chicken, so we hatched together and split all the birds down the middle. We have 2 lavs, 2 splash, 2 blues and 3 lemon cuckoos.

Next week we have sexed olive eggers and cream legbars coming. If I can get my two english orp pullets then my little backyard family will be comlete with 1 fav, 2 Eng. orps, 1 OE and 1CL. Should be a pretty basket!

Here's my sweet Sabine, the fav
Delisha, Going to reinforce the coop this weekend. Just got notification that the chicks have been shipped today, Hopefully they will arrive on Friday. I got them from Cackle. The ladies were buff orpingtons and slw. I ordered buff and Black Australorps. Does the post office call you when they arrive or in the morning?
good evening,, I just transferred a bunch of chicks and keets from the hatcher to the chick TV..
I didn't count, but there must be about 30 all totaled..

Dave, the PO will call you early in the morning.. they like to get rid of those chirping monsters as quickly as they can..
I will bet they will be here on Thursday..

Oh oh, I just spotted a chick in #1 incubator..not due until tomorrow, always got to be an early bird, eh ? actually these are the eggs I salvaged from a nest.. so they might have been sat on for awhile..

upon a closer look there are at least 5 in there.. and these are not my eggs, these are black and white chicks.. Pang's eggs.. Mine are pure Buff Orps ..

It is a good thing Annie set up another chick TV.. things are gonna get crowded around here..

I have to modify the new hatching trays..
even the larger chicks managed to squeeze through a 1/2 inch wide crack..

for this hatch it doesn't matter because I have only one person's eggs hatching.. It would be real interesting if there were more batches..


I just transferred the new ones to the chick TV there were 14 of them ,, I put the rest of the eggs into the hatcher..
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I don't know how you guys handle it. My neighbors will NEVER get to decide what animals I have. I will never pay an association fee so that they can do so. I will live in Northern Canada, South America, Russia, anywhere else before that happens. My property line is the Amery city limit line. I have 2 horses fenced to the city line, about 30 laying hens, 3 roosters, 4 turkeys, 12 call ducks, 40 meat birds, 2 pigs, 3 cats and a dog. As well as a parrotlet, terrarium with crested geckos and whites tree frogs and a fish tank in the house. I have two sets of apartments on my road. I had a tenant tell me once that my rooster was annoying. I said "I have 4 roosters". She said she thought about coing down and shooting it with a BB gun when it crowed. I told her I was thinking about getting a donkey and the braying would make the crowing sound minimal. She just gave me a blank stare. Lol Amery doesn't allow chickens but mine go there all of the time. :)

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