Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Sclark, that looks like a wood duck! Make sure its eating. Usually they will starve to death. They like mealworms and duck weed. I raised some last year, but the peolee that brought them to me waited till 4 of them had died before asking for help. They do really good with call ducklings. The calls show them how to eat. Unfortunately, I don't have any call ducklings right now or I would offer to take it.

Edited to change my phone's "autocorrect" mistakes.
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Stacie, looks like a wood duck baby to me. Rouens have 2 stripes and would be the same size as the chick even at only a couple of days. Mallards are only half their size and it has only one eye stripe all the way through.

SO says that it looks like a wood duck. Looked it up and wood ducklings are more greyish silver while mallards are yellow. Also, wood ducks have an eye stripe that goes from rear of the head and ends at the eye. Mallards go all the way through to the beak.

If you want I can come down to you and pick it up. Just had new ducklings hatch yesterday. Pheasants too. So there is definitely friends for him plus he can learn by watching too! Just lemme know and I could be there in bout an hour (gimme time to fully wake up pls).
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Is it wrong to keep them copped up. Inside of coop is 22 sq ft and then the pen during the day is about the same plus the room under the coop. Four good size hens. No fox issues for three years, well maybe one a year or so ago.
We're not going to be able to make it. The FIL died, so there is a lot of work to do! Have a great time at the bash ya'll!
My sympathies to your family.

Hello I am new to byc live in southeast wi I am looking to start off with australorps if somebody could point me in the right direction to order them I sure would appreciate it thanks
and welcome to the Cheeseheads
There are several on here that hatch for sale, but I don't remember all they have. I know Delisha has quite a variety. We picked up a dozen Black Australorps from Abendroth Hatchery in Waterloo on May 5th and they are doing great. We enjoyed our visit with the owner too, here is their web site http://abendrothshatchery.com/ and a pic of our BA chicks

Sorry all! It looks like I'm not going to make it after all. The hubs is pretty sick today. Hope you have a great time!

One of my younger hens seems to be wanting to sit on the nest a lot. Hopefully she's broody and will want to be a mama!
Oh I also hope you have a broody. I was hopeful this spring but they were just messing with me. So I'm the mama and that's ok too.
Is it wrong to keep them copped up. Inside of coop is 22 sq ft and then the pen during the day is about the same plus the room under the coop. Four good size hens. No fox issues for three years, well maybe one a year or so ago.

Is it possible to add to their run? We use dog kennel panels that we have found on Craigslist and usually pay no more than $25 per panel.
Just an fyi in case you haven't heard about this yet, there has been a recent nation outbreak of Salmonella and its been linked back to Mt Healthy hatchery. If buying chicks, make sure they didn't originate from there. I guess this is the 3rd year in a row they have had Salmonella outbreaks but looking like this will be the most widespread yet.
Hey all long time no post been traveling the country with the hubby. We would have made the bash had we known it was going on , but Our puter died a month ago and my new one isn't yet set up.
We are home the next week, have to get Adams kids Monday. Hope everyone enjoyed the bash, wish we could have been there. Adam had a load to Antigo yesterday or I wouldn't have even known you ll were up there. Chickies are all good bought a few BSL's, and Welsummers from TSC, and have a batch easter eggers hatch Friday, still in the bator waiting to see if the last couple eggs gonna make it, so far 11 chicks, set 19 3 bad at lock down early death. So Thats about all thats new here. sorta quit smoking 6 weeks ago, vaping since then still some nicotine but cutting it back as we go. Have a great summer ya all. Hugs Kim and Adam
Hey all long time no post been traveling the country with the hubby. We would have made the bash had we known it was going on , but Our puter died a month ago and my new one isn't yet set up.
   We are home the next week, have to get Adams kids Monday. Hope everyone enjoyed the bash, wish we could have been there. Adam had a load to Antigo yesterday or I wouldn't have even known you ll were up there.  Chickies are all good bought a few BSL's, and Welsummers from TSC, and have a batch easter eggers hatch Friday, still in the bator waiting to see if the last couple eggs gonna make it, so far 11 chicks, set 19  3 bad at lock down early death. So Thats about all thats new here. sorta quit smoking 6 weeks ago, vaping since then still some nicotine but cutting it back as we go. Have a great summer ya all. Hugs Kim and Adam

I was wondering where you guys were!
Ghost, we were just talking about you at the Bash, I was asking if anyone had heard from you lately!

My condolences.

Some pics of the raffle at the Bash.....

Our MC TerriO.




Once again we had a really good time! It was great to see everyone and I hope more of you can make it next year (we have enough people show up, we may have to get a bigger fridge!)!

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