Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

yepper agreed no cheap feed here either I was just saying the normal feed that they carry with 18 percent was added to a more percent I believe 20 for a couple bucks more...I have had great result with the 18 percent I was just shocked that they got a different higher protein feed...since they have been carrying that 18 percent kind for so long...however I did mention to the owner that I would like higher protein in the different bird mixes...and then a month later boom he had in every kind of bird different stuff...maybe I just typed it in a way of miscommunication not sure...I type so fast cause of all the forums im on and I don't go back and proof read I just submit
TO, gorgeous! Everything looked fantastic!

Sent all the kiddos off to school this morning!
Mom has the house to herself!!!!!!

Venison roast in the oven, and I have berries thawing out so I can make some jam later in the day. Nothing beats smelling the scents of summer on these frigid days!

Nothing else happening here except cold, cold, cold.......
Another chilly day here, eh! Glad you stopped by Gallus...Happy New Year back at ya...

Nice lookin food TO...love the broccoli and it loves me...LOL!

It would be nice to have a vacation somewhere warm right about now...that ain't happening though.

I spent over a hour on the phone today for a doctor bill that wasn't even mine. It wasn't my provider or a doctor I ever heard of ...not to mention a clinic I've never been to....finally got it figured out...I should get paid something for my time....(like that's gonna happen)....Nice to open the mail with a bill that makes no sense, and then fight to make it right.

Nothing new here.... gonna hide by the fire for another day or two it looks like.

Keep the fire going goodie....bigz
Happy New Year all!

It is a bit warmer here at the border, but it'll be down below zero this coming week. Chickens, rabbits, and Theo are all doing well, but I'll be adding the heat lamp in the coop Sunday. I normally don't have one out there, but I cave when the temps fall below zero for more than a day.

For New Year's eve dinner we had lobster tail and scampi, potatoes, and brussels sprouts, we watched A Fault in our Stars and Divergent (we wanted to see why our girls liked it so much), and went to friends the next day to play Eurorails.

bl4-I've got some eggs for you if you are down this way.

Well, we've re-rearranged the house as both of our girls have moved out to their "grass-is-greener" parents house's. So we combined them into the smallest room, we gave Ryan back his original room, and we have our dining room back. It is emotionally hard for Nathan & I to have the girls gone, but the amount of drama and toxicity has been eliminated from the house, so I guess that's the bonus!

Other than that, I only have a this weekend remaining for vacation and then back to construction at work.

Gotta get moving again, bbl.
awww..hugs..come for coffee soon..

Thousands of posts since I was last here...yikes...Happy New Year everyone!
Nice seeing you!!

Brrrr it is cold cold..I have changed waters three times already today. It almost makes me want to buy heated bases. Poor chicks..ruff day for them. I have 8 week olds out in this cold stuff. They seem to be OK..doing a bunch of cuddling and running around..I have a full incubator with 4 different batches of chicks..I do not look forward to chicks in the house again. I was hoping and delirious it was going to be a mild winter...delirious and wishful thinking.
Brrrr it is cold cold..I have changed waters three times already today. It almost makes me want to buy heated bases. Poor chicks..ruff day for them. I have 8 week olds out in this cold stuff. They seem to be OK..doing a bunch of cuddling and running around..I have a full incubator with 4 different batches of chicks..I do not look forward to chicks in the house again. I was hoping and delirious it was going to be a mild winter...delirious and wishful thinking.
Yeah, it is soooo brutally cold out there! The bulb went out in the coop last night so I picked up another one at Fleet Farm (they're on sale right now!) I'm glad I have a heated waterer - I would NOT enjoy going over there several times a day to haul water.

I'm not getting very many eggs - and sometimes none at all - since the last molt. I think I'm going to look for some chicks this spring. Will anyone out there have some for sale? What kinds?

Stay warm and well!
Evening all,

Hope you all stayed warm, Just heard Tuesday into Wednesday will be colder than last year. The Ladies are doing well, I opened up their enclosed run, they came outside for a while. Got 6 eggs from 8 of them. Glad the heater is still working a balmy 40 degrees in the actual coop. I have been gone awhile, is Dr. Ha Ha around?
Cs, I must have missed your original post. I am sorry to hear ypur news.
Del, you need to break down and get the heated waterers. It is worth it! Go with the plastic like suggested on here. I bought the tall ones with the bunny money this year. At first we had a ceramic tile between the waterer and base. But the top of the tall ones was freezing. So we removed the tile and they are GREAT!
Irish, I will have some chicks. Pm if you like. Or get to me when you are ready :)
what a pain Bigz!
otonoh, I have not heard from drhaha since I believe last winter.
Jim, glad you are feeling better! !

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