Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

good rainy afternoon,

what would it hurt to treat all the chickens with vaseline..?
go ahead ,

roosters are just as vulnerable to pred attack as hens are..
having one around and feeding it just for "flock protection" is not economically sound .. but If you need him for breeding, then feed him.

good rainy afternoon,

what would it hurt to treat all the chickens with vaseline..?
go ahead , 

roosters are just as vulnerable to pred attack as hens are..
having one around and feeding it just for "flock protection" is not economically sound .. but If you need him for breeding, then feed him.  

Oh I know treating them all wouldn't hurt I just mean idk about spraying or dusting the coop and stuff. Al the other leg mite treatments seem harsh. I even read online about dipping your birds legs in gas. I can't imagine someone would do that...
Aw, gee, the little guy didn't make it.
There are six more eggs sitting under her - maybe those will hatch yet.

Rainy Day here today....yep, the Vaseline works great...go ahead and smother it on their legs and repeat when necessary for a couple weeks....you don't want it spreading to the others...good luck!
Christmas is closing in fast now!
Are citrus peelings ok to feed the chickens?
feed them anything you want..but truthfully they might pick but not really eat..and the peelings will do much better in nest boxes and in the litter of the coop. Citrus is used for repelling all kinds of mites, lice and other little creepy crawlies. It also makes the coop smell nice.

Hi All!

I used to make candied orange and grapefruit peels every year. It's hard to get enough suitable orange peels to make a decent size batch, you want the nice thick ones. Grapefruit peel is OK, but not as good as the orange peel. I summer the orange 4-5 times and the grapefruit 5-7 depending how bitter they are. Then you simmer them in simple syrup, drain and let almost dry, coat in sugar and enjoy. A lot of work but so good and addictive! I used to save up (good) peels in the freezer all year to make them for Christmas.

Well, I guess not taking care of the chickens for almost 2 weeks (DH has been feeding them) kicked me and them in the butt. I closed up tonight and found my sweet Jasmine (the hen in my Avatar) dead and ripped up under the bench.
I'm missing at least one other one too. I couldn't stay down there too long to see any more damage.

Night All.
awww..I am sorry...hugs..

as far as leg mites..I never heard of gas dipping,,but motor oil works..as does neem oil.
Hi All.

Yep, sitting in ICU.
My heart was going kinda wonky. They got me on a new med. now and it seems to be working. After they can get some "sludge" out of my left lung I'll go to a regular room for a couple of days, then home.

Thanks for your thoughts for Jasmine. She hatched a coop full over the years. A very good hen and mom.

Jim, glad your going to put along for another year. Next time ask for the extended warranty.

Catch you later.
Hi All.

Yep, sitting in ICU.
My heart was going kinda wonky. They got me on a new med. now and it seems to be working. After they can get some "sludge" out of my left lung I'll go to a regular room for a couple of days, then home.

Thanks for your thoughts for Jasmine. She hatched a coop full over the years. A very good hen and mom.

Jim, glad your going to put along for another year. Next time ask for the extended warranty.

Catch you later.

I knew you would find a way to get out of cooking ..


Get better real soon..

Well, we got our white Christmas after all..
I am not going to plow.. first of all it is not too deep.
second, I like to pack the first one or two snowfalls down so when I plow I don't scrape the gravel off of the driveway..

I made cowboy beans, sloppy Joe's (bbq) , and pulled beef for sandwiches for tonight..

we will have at least 10 people here. it is not a sit down supper, the kettles are on the stove and each person can help themselves as they feel hungry..

I hope somebody makes some watergate salad.. pistachio salad. My MIL used to make it for me every year..

I like to go to my sister's house.. they make all sorts of candies and cookies ..

So sorry for your loss Cind, its true we haven't had our girls and boys long but it does seem to me to be the way it goes.

Had a scare here today with the birds. Heard a loud ruckous and looked out the window in time to see feathers flying and birds scattering. Went out to investigate and found all our birds hiding. Belle, one of our two favorite EEs, who was the obvious owner of the missing feathers, was in the garage with the main flock. Poor thing was shaking in her boots but seems unharmed and ate some treats for me right away but did not leave the saftey of the garage for a while. The rest of the flocks were also all free ranging and terrified they were all on high alert for the rest of the day. I didn't see what happened to Belle but based on their actions and eyes on the sky I think hawk. Although it had to have been almost right against the house perhaps that's what saved her running around the corner. Her shoulders, especially the right, are a bit sparse and some of her down is visible, but I'm just grateful she's okay. Once again I'm grateful to a rooster that hates me with a passion. It's time for him to go, I know, as he jumped at me last week and tried to spur me, but he's so good with the girls and after this I worry about taking away my only lf roo.

CC if the offer still stands for one of your orps we would love one. I can't have a rooster around here that of all people wants to attack his main care giver.

Ugh I know I'd feel differently if he had managed to spur me it just hard because he's perfect in every other way.

Also I'm wondering what everyone recommends for scaley leg that is preferably approved as we sell eggs, of course I will follow withdrawal guidelines. Just a bit worried about using something off label. Is it best to just treat all of the flocks even if I'm not sure they've been exposed?

Thanks all Merry Christmas!
The offer still stands. Come pick one out. They are my gentle giants.

I had one mean rooster, but he attacked everyone except me. Sorry yours is the other way around.

I had a bird with SLM. I tried the vaseline but it was so messy, and a petroleum product. I used mineral oil with a toothbrush for a while but soon noticed that his feathers started feeling oily. Their bodies will absorb the oil, so if you care about their well being, or it is a laying hen whose eggs you are eating, I highly recommend using a cooking oil in a spray can, like Pam. The thicker the oil, the better. It is so easy to use. At roost time, just go down the line spraying their legs & feet. Easy peasy and works like a charm.

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