Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Mmmm, cinnamon rolls, and I don't live that far away! :) I had a fox in my coop one time. The silkie girls woke me right up screaming. Feathers were everywhere, and he was chasing them in circles. I went outside in my pjs. Gave him a stern look and yelled at him. He crawled out of the coop ran up on top of our mound system, and stood there looking at there looking at me. I told him not to ever come back, and he never did!!!! He better not either! All of my silkies were ok, but they let a lot of feathers loose!
Tonight was a bad night. We lost our flock master and only large fowl rooster, Twitch, to a predator tonight around 10 pm. We live in South central WI and if anyone has any suggestions as to what it sounds like I would greatly appreciate it.

What I know. Our flock was out late tonight BC DH2B was in the fields and didn't get home until 9:30 we were out for about a half hour but didn't bring them in BC DH2B was starving, so we were going to eat and then bring them in. Our flock is fooled by our yard light and frequently have to be brought in when the weather is nice BC they think it's still day time. We have never lost an animal to a predator although we've had a couple close calls with hawks. Our roosters do a great job protecting the ladies.

So firstly, we were outside and came inside just long enough for me to pee so less than 5 minutes, when we heard a huge ruckous. I flushed and ran outside thinking DH2B would also run and investigate, he didn't, but he's been in the fields all day so I kind of understand. Okay so I get outside and I see one of the broody's chicks a 4-5 week SLW standing in the middle of the yard cheeping, said broody is laying on her side under a tree. I thought she'd been attacked. She got up when I approached and seemed fine. I looked around and realized I only saw hens and our two bantam roosters. I walked towards the slw chick and found some feathers. Flight feathers, hackle and saddle feathers. Not a lot but enough that I was worried because I didn't see Twitch.

I ran in and grabbed DH2B and flashlights. And we searched and searched and searched. At first we assumed it must have been an owl. But then found a trail of sparse feathers(several of our flock are molting so feathers are in abundance around here but we were sure these were his) leading across the yard to our barn yard where the trail dead ended. We then started to wonder what could have done this and continued our search on foot. Before driving up and down the road to see if we could see anything. (I believe this is when the predator left the barn hard and headed into the field.) We ended up driving the truck out into the field behind out house on a whim. We saw eye shine and followed it. But the field was too rough and we were worried the old truck would get stuck(they redid the irrigator this year so there's some two foot deep ruts from trucks)

We got out and followed the eye shin on foot. Twitch was nearly 12-15 lbs and towards the bigger end of the scale. He was a massive bird and strong as an ox. Great with his ladies but aggressive to my mother and I. He was also quite good at fighting and dodging attacks. I know this from seeing him with our other roosters and from having to kick him when he came at me. His aggression had earned him a spot on a list of birds to cull. That being said I respected him he was a great flock master never started a fight with another roo and even though he would assert dominance and put them in their places he was kind and gentle to the other birds especially the hens.

Okay the point is although we never got a good look at the animal BC it kept it's distance it's eyes were very very close together and it was small very close to the ground. I know some animals can help be distinguished by the color their eyes shine, this animal's were green in the light. The ground is too dry for tracks but it left no blood and no drag marks. It was carrying the huge bird in its mouth. I believe it too small to have been a coyote. It didn't seem to act like a coon.

We followed it into the field and found a place where it was plucking Twitch still no blood or any tracks. It eyes never seemed to change height. It was fast and it went over a half mile carrying the carcass. We followed it to some train tracks near our house before we lost it following it down the tracks.
I'm not 100% sure what all we have around here but I know I have seen skunks, heard coyotes, DH2B saw a fox but it was about a mile in the other direction, racoons, and some people say badgers are around here too. I've no clue what could have taken such a massive bird without leaving more then a couple handfuls of feathers and no blood. We have been seeing a pair of osprey or eagles around but it was clearly on the ground and never took flight. I may have missed some possibilities.
What are the most likely options that it could have been? Should we assume it will try to come back? Hell this is all new and I'm very frustrated and upset. I so wanted answers but the animal was always just out of our lights so all we could see was eye shine and the approximate height.

Over the last month or two there have been several nights where our great dane was frightened to go outside we assumed she was smelling something but had no idea what. Now I wonder if the two things are connected. I have seen her chase racoons and she's been outside when we could hear coyotes without acting scared.

We have also had something trying to dig under our stairs. A pretty sizeable hole too. We have had to fill it in several times but not for about a week, maybe two. We would fill it in and the next morning it would be larger and deeper even after we started putting large rocks and a couple pieces of concrete in it.

I'm leaning towards badger BC they are so low to the ground but are still very large and strong but I've really no clue.

Hope you can help.
I'm so sorry. I just saw this! That's horrible!
Never saw a badger attack but soem friends of mine have one that is living on their property. THey posted some pics. I remember seeing only one when I was really little. It was at my Uncles' house and my Dad ran after it and shot it. We got to check it out up close like!
So I cam on to find the bash thread...guess I have to do some searching! Oh well...have a great night!

If you are in need of another rooster I have LOTS I can share!

Anyone have any interesting hatching eggs near Appleton?

I would like to see what else I can get my hands on, would love Swedish Black or something really interested but not willing to shell out $40 on a half dozen eggs to try and let a first time broody hatch so I am open to whatever I can get localish.
Hi again...I am changing my siggy to reflect the bash info...I cant believe this is the seventh year already!
Birds4kids...just bring those kids and yourself to the bash and say what kind of eggs you want...someone is sure to have something at least close! LOL!

OK better change that siggy thing--have a good one! TerriO

(PS) chickenscratch--the place I got slips from has them again...it is through second harvest in Madison(maybe) I sure wish I could remember...too **** old I guess!
I will see if I can make the Bash have a "car guy" BBQ I believe the 4th that I typically attend but that group has been dissolving, few of us are still involved in the cars that brought us together.

Far as what I want, who knows if I will have a broody a month from now, so maybe pointless. I would love something like a Swedish Black or Ayam Cemani, but realize Sussex, Marans, Wynadottes is more realistic.
Something interesting, good in a mixed flock and tolerant of the kids trying to pet them.

Kids absolute number one request when getting home from school and daycare is "can we let the big chickens out, Two Crested Cream Legbar, and a White Sport Legbar, Delaware, Easter Egger, olive egger. I haven't let the silkies and young polish out as there are a lot of hawks.
Well setting up traps around our coop due to digging around the run has provided intersting results. First I am thrilled we buried our wire well...about 6-8 inches down because this digging could have been an issue. We have caught some feral cats in our neighborhood and relocated them a distance away. Last night we caught a hissing and spitting opossum...nasty little thing. Had a neighbor friend who had trapped a number of them last year said he would dispose of it for me..thank goodness... scared the living daylights out of me. Know we still have some feral cats, but hopefully this helps the issue.

The teens are getting big at 7 weeks of age. Out of the 13 I have 5 roosters. I have someone interested in buying a pure breed one so might get rid of one...might keep the cochin one and we will raise and butcher the other three! First time thinking of meat birds. Want to try them as well. We will see how this goes!

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