Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Is it still time to plant garlic? Anyone know depth info on garlic? I have an old sandbox I use for some planting... is about 9-10 inches deep of good soil...would that work?
Morning all, second cup in and I must be more awake than I thought.  Kids out the door without a struggle, laundry rolled and next load in, bills paid, calender filled in, CPR certificate uploaded... and it is only 7:45.  

Confirmed yesterday, we officially have two hens laying now.  Eggs are the same color so I feel pretty safe to assume it is both the Buffs.  We are at 22 weeks now so I am hoping the Rock will be laying soon as I know the Americanas take considerably longer.  Surprised that they are squatting though.  

All the garden beds that have dirt are planted, lettuce went into the last bed so we will see how long before the freeze.  Have a feeling it will come early just to spite me.  Teaching today, last week of a quiet schedule as next week I will be picking up two more classes in addition to returning to the Y for a total of five during the week.  With subbing at the high school, the garden and kids activities that is about enough for me for this month.  We will see what October brings.

Rumor is a bad winter.  Anyone check the almanac yet?

http://www.almanac.com/content/long-range-forecast-2017 Check it out. Colder than last year for sure
Is it still time to plant garlic? Anyone know depth info on garlic? I have an old sandbox I use for some planting... is about 9-10 inches deep of good soil...would that work?

It actually is still a bit early to plant, you want it to be cool out but not frozen. After the first frost is a good rule of thumb. Depth kind of depends on the size of the cloves... maybe first knuckle of your hand, maybe half way to the second one, either way 9-10 inches is more than enough. It will need mulched as well with a good 4 inches of straw or leaves, we use straw. Easy to plant and fun to watch come up in the spring.
good afternoon,
been a busy day up til now.
picked up my 6 POL browns.
have them all nestled in the coop .
took the two remaining POL's that I raised and threw them into that coop, too.. A few of the old ladies wandered in when I was setting up water and feed dishes. they are locked in now, too..

at 5PM my class reunion starts today. a poolside pizza party. tomorrow will be the sit-down dinner.

tomorrow morning my nephew Jake said he was coming to put up the soffits and fascia for me.
it is supposed to be raining, maybe it will hold off a little.

Just finished up some mandatory overtime. Now a quick shower and off to the part time to butcher a few bears. The finally some sleep. I had the pleasure of working both jobs every day this week. I'm beat and it all starts over tomorrow night. Hoping the geese start flying in full swing real soon so I can let the 12 gauge bark a bit.
good morning ,,,,,,again.

I had a long post all typed up and my puter locked up.
now I am starting all over again.

Corey, you might have to road hunt to and from work between jobs.

phase one of the class reunion is over. we had a pool side pizza party..

the prom king collapsed and was hauled to the hospital in an ambulance. He has had 3 heart attacks, stents and COPD. IDK what caused his collapse. luckily there were two doctors in our crowd.

just a heads up. when you have your 55th HS class reunion, have an ambulance standing by ..

the new chickens are doing fine. a couple of the old chickens did not make it into the coop before I closed the door. they spent the night outside, somewhere.

good morning ,,,,,,again.

I had a long post all typed up and my puter locked up.
now I am starting all over again.

Corey, you might have to road hunt to and from work between jobs.

phase one of the class reunion is over.  we had a pool side pizza party..

the prom king collapsed and was hauled to the hospital in an ambulance.  He has had 3 heart attacks, stents and COPD.  IDK what caused his collapse.  luckily there were two doctors in our crowd.

just a heads up.  when you have your 55th HS class reunion,   have an ambulance standing by ..

the new chickens are doing fine.  a couple of the old chickens did not make it into the coop before I closed the door.  they spent the night outside, somewhere.

I am ALWAYS packin so it's definitely a good option!
Geese were flying here this morning cw....they were headed your direction. Next weekend bow deer opens....I'm all ready to go...we are issued 3 doe tags and a buck tag when you but your license. Should be able to pile up some tender delicious red meat with 6 tags when you consider gun tags also. i'm in need of some delicious Kropf's venzun wieners for starters.

Just finished up some mandatory overtime. Now a quick shower and off to the part time to butcher a few bears. The finally some sleep. I had the pleasure of working both jobs every day this week. I'm beat and it all starts over tomorrow night. Hoping the geese start flying in full swing real soon so I can let the 12 gauge bark a bit.

I would love any tips you might have on butchering bear. My son is going to get to go bear hunting at the end of this month with a very professional guide. I am really hoping he gets one but I have never processed a bear before. Also, if anyone has any recipe ideas for bear I have never cooked one either. Actually, I have only had one small bowl of bear stew in my life, but I am going to give it a try.
I would love any tips you might have on butchering bear.  My son is going to get to go bear hunting at the end of this month with a very professional guide.  I am really hoping he gets one but I have never processed a bear before.  Also, if anyone has any recipe ideas for bear I have never cooked one either.  Actually, I have only had one small bowl of bear stew in my life, but I am going to give it a try.

Generally I only did the deer and have only cut up bear a couple times so I'm sure there's someone who knows more. It's just like anything else basically tho, same roasts, steaks, and stew or ground meat. Depending on the size the ribs are supposed to be pretty fantastic. A buddy gave me a bear roast Thursdsy and I covered it in prime rib rub and it's been in the fridge since. It's going into the crock tomorrow for sammiches. I'll have to update on that but it sure smells like it's gonna be awesome.
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