Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi all,

the goose lady sent a young guy to get the geese.. they went to Wisc Rapids.

I did not plow snow, I figured it would melt right away. ROOONG and now I hear we have about 8" on the way.. I better get a can of gas.

There must be driftless all across the continent where the glacier stopped..??

Made it to G Bay on Friday and picked up the Craftsman lathe
Hung around too long there. hit heavy snow about half way back to Wausau..

I put an incubator for sale on Wausau C L ..
had one scammer reply.. and one guy who wanted a brand new unit , apparently.. (for used price ? ) come on fella..
I have about $200.oo in upgrades and extra trays..
He wanted a digital unit. I told him to just go buy a new one.


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Hope everyone had a great Easter! How many chicks do you have to sell BBP?
You wouldn't want to raise a dozen for me and bring them to the bash in 8 weeks, would you? For a fair price for your effort?
Hope the rest make it through for you CS.
Thanks to both of you that shared your chick pics!

I broke down and plowed the driveway about an hour ago. I figured it will be easier to plow two small dump ons instead of one accumulated large one.
It is just starting to snow here right now.
of course Annie just went to town, too. she asked me if I wanted to ride along.
No thanks. I don't enjoy riding through a blizzard.. been there, done that too many times..

when I was fourteen years old, I drove my friend's dad's truck home from the woods with a load of long poles on it.
the load stuck way out the back just so there was enough weight on the front to steer the truck..
However, the drifts were across the road at about 4 to 5 feet deep. whenever I rammed through one, the front wheels would leave the ground. then i would have to wait a minuted until they touched again and I could proceed to the next one..
my friend was less fortunate. he had to ride one of the horses and lead the other one.
it was about a 12 mile trip..
took me forever to get home, took him a lot longer..

Not too happy to hear that it is snowing at your place already @jvls1942 , lol
Hopefully it is not as bad as they are forecasting. I have to be in Green Bay by 7:30 am on Wednesday. At least it is mostly highway travel, they are usually pretty good about keeping the highways somewhat cleared off...

I drove through a blizzard one year to get home from Eau Claire to Crivitz for Thanksgiving. I started out in sunshine, then it turned to freezing rain about Antigo - which is over 2/3 of the way. The front edge of the storm passed over me and I drove for over 4 hours in a snow storm after dark. It usually only takes me 1-1/2 hours to get home from that point. At one point, it was snowing hard enough that my windshield wipers couldn't keep up and I was driving by estimating that I was centered between the edges of the forest, in a little Mercury Lynx ... When I pulled into the driveway at my parents, I was pushing a 8" snowdrift with my bumper and leaving a clear impression of the bottom profile of my car behind me.
I am that sadistic. Gave a few chickens to a friend last year and she bought 6 new chicks today.

Wyo that sounds like me one year. I was driving from Eau Claire to Avoca. At least 3-4 hours under good conditions and the interstate was closed. I was on it because I had gotten there before they closed it. I was driving a 4 cyl. mustang with wide tires. White knuckled it all the way home.

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