Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

A White Elephant gift is something you have and don't need or want so you pass it on! It can be something silly, something stupid, or even something nice. Used is fine, new is ok too. It doesn't even have to be good! LOL Got any presents you wish you never got? That would be a good choice!
That is an awesome idea since I just finished cleaning out my closet last week. This is going to be fun
I am so excited
for tomorrow(well today)
as you see I am not sleeping yet and it is already almost 2
Good BASH Start Day! One good thing about not leaving till tomorrow, less reading!
Yes raim Laura is coming she's actually my GF, BFF, SO, or soul mate. No more trips down the isle for this boy. Unless in an escort capacity. Jim I have an older 8 hp on my splitter with no dipstick
I hate opening a plug and guessing at the level. Think we'll start eating around 1-2 and finish around midnight.
The Q's still have a little zip their not your catsup and burger kind. Makin the noodles today. The kitchen sink was draining kinda slow for awhile yesterday it stopped altogether. Of course it did. Might have wait till Monday. Pans in the sink and a pail underneath seems to work for now. There all fixed!
So much to address and so much to do. Hope all that are traveling today and tomorrow have a safe trip! And don't forget to drive stupid! See ya soon!
Morning Everyone!

Raim-DON'T call 911!!!! DON"T call 911!!!!
Carol, Dk and I among a few others will be holding the Cheesehead fort down while y'all are off having fun! If y'all call 911 "They" will suspect that we are the ones who caused you to be missing!!!

FT-Yep. Im gearing up for a boring weekend for sure.
Those of us who are not Bash Bound will have to manage to keep this thread from falling into the nether regions of the topic thread so you guys can "find" us when y'all get back from having fun....We have our work cut out for us!

TO-yes those little chicks were definately onthe menu. Poor things. My hens at the time were vicious carnivores that were horrible layers and worthless as all get out.
But on the up side if there was anything in the yard that even remotely looked edible like say spiders and mice, they ate it.

Well, it is official! Emma is broody. She keeps rolling her two eggs around. She tricked me. Her crank broody noises are not different from her regular crank noises so I determined I was not very well versed in Light Cornish Speak. I moved her off the eggs and she ate, drank, did Important Hen Things and then glued herself back onto the nest. Where ever that is. She can't go very far since the Old Hens are in a 4x4 Ex Pen. I will move the other two hens who are with her out into the Hen Pen and see if that breaks her brood. If not, then I might be hitting some of you up for some fertile eggs. If any of you have some left overs!!!

Anyway, I hope you all have fun at the Bash everyone. I expect full reports from everyone on Monday. No "We're to tired" excuses! Got that!
It's gonna be a long weekend.....

I've gotta go take Saxon for his drop off at the vets. He's getting his chompers all pearlified today!
Before everyone leaves for the day, Can I have a repeat of the directions/ Please, Pretty please. I can get to chilitonville and I know to head north on 45. Then were? Thank Bigz. Sorry. Off to work. I'll be up tomorrow around noon. Jim- I would bring bacon, but I wont be there for breakfast. Anything else? Ok I'm off.
DrHa- WE like to call each other partners in crime, or cohorts in sin. Whatever comes out that day.
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Good Morning All!!
Can some one bring a spare/un-needed incubator.. LONG story short.
I posted those pics and was supposed to meet the seller of the incubator I posted about....
I think he sold it, or it was broken...

So can some one bring an incubator for TO to pick up for me. I can send a money order to you if you PM/Email me your address.
THX soo much!!

good morning, computor/msn is giving me fits today.. says mail is not available.. I had to sneak into here through the back door..

DrH, remind me to suggest a way to rig up a dip stick on your splitter.. I can't picture myself not having one.. I prolly could have made one, but I am so far behind with so many projects, I just went ahead and ordered one..

I just had a thought // I think I have an 8 hp either briggs or tecumsah. in the garage.. I will check it for a dip stick. (If I can remember to do it) maybe make it a white elephant gift you can fight for.. LOL

I have all my packing to do today.. I still have to clean out the Blazer to get cages in.. At least it should not be raining constantly all day..

Keedokes, I hope I can catch that duck..

Amyable, I got a message that your mailbox is full....so here is your response!

Sure, let's meet up at my place! I just didn't know if it would be the best place.

I've heard from Susie and she's just waiting for the go-ahead. Turns out she will need to drive herself as well. So it will be one big caravan!

You name the time since there are three of you coming from the south, and I'll have good hot coffee waiting if anyone wants to show up early, okay? Maybe we say 9:00 and make sure we're on the road not too long after?

I'm so excited! Now to find that white elephant gift.........

you going to be there Sunday morning? that's when He's making breakfast.

as for getting there
Directions from Clintonville: Take Hwy 45 North 4.4 miles from the Clintonville Main Street arterial signal, turn right on Knitt Road, then left on Boy Scouts Lane.
and/or go here and click on the camp (left of screen) then on location, it shows you a google map.


shanti, amyable, susie... (anyone else in that caravan?) lol you leaving on Sat or Friday night at 9? lol I'd need
(less the computer) too lol

OMWord it's 8:40 I better get my
less the computer

MLH thanks for the head's up. I am going to try another feed, as well as cut out the extra calcium I've been giving in the form of oyster shell as they might be getting too much. I just re-read the duck bible, "Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks" and figured again that their recommendation to feed good poultry layer is adequate. It is impossible it is to find organic duck layer! I had a feed mill custom grinding it for me in Coleman until they closed down recently. Otherwise I would have to custom order grains, buy organic pre-mix and vitamins from McMurray, and then kiss my money goodbye as a mill ground it. I really should be charging $15 per dozen for these eggs since everyone else does who produces organic duck eggs. You can see why! I'm already paying $46 per hundred for organic poulty layer....close to double that for custom-ground duck layer. Grrrrrrrr.

Raimnel----we're planning on around 9:00 am Saturday.

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