Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

TO- Nice picture! My edges are blurry, it makes me look like I'm going super fast.
Maybe I shouldn't have tried to run through your picture. Also, I've read not to free range quail on the quail thread. Like everyone one else said, they won't come back. You can however (this is what I do) make a tractor and put them out to get some fresh air and grass. Before the pheasants took over my other pen, I had my quail in there. They seemed to like it, but really didn't forage like the other birds do. They didn't eat my grasses in there and mostly hid under the pine tree in there. It's however a big pen, so maybe so much space was to much. But a nice small tractor would work well.
Well busy day of running around before we leave for the rest of the week. I'm off. Later
You would probably have to keep holding it off and on throughout the day as you have time for- we have found that as the birds get older they get friendlier but not always. Hope you feel better!
Okay - too much to read and not enough time. I will have to come back later and catch up.... AGAIN! Man you all are chatty!

So right now I am just going to post these pictures for Carol. These are the two ladies I got from you
They are blossoming that is for sure!


And this one we have called Mrs. Clucky. I am not sure if they were so noisy when you brought them to me, but on the way home one was peeping the whole time. And pretty much the whole time they were in the brooder in the house someone was always clucking. And then I moved them to the coop - and cluck cluck cluck. I finally figured out which one it was and deemed her Mrs. Clucky. Suits her well! Thankfully I can tell them apart because Mrs. Clucky is a bit darker and doesn't have as many feathers on her feet. It all may change but for now...

These are Salmon Favorelles correct? I think that is what you said they were...

Anyone have any crested frizzles for sale??
Ok, I'm lost. Where is Dr Haha in the picture????? Looked for someone with beady eyes and didn't see anyone !

Who's the guy with the bibs???

Talking about bibs, EggToast (DH-Chuck) has been wanting to get a pair. So yesterday I got in the car to go to town and noticed a Fleet Farm receipt. Took a look at it and saw a pair of bibs on it for $29.99.

Well, he hasn't told me about them yet so I wonder when he is going to appear with them on !!! I'm going to try not to laugh !!!!
Ok well at least not in front of him !!!

Nothing wrong with bibs but just can't picture him with them on !!! Ought to go real good with the chew he has been using again !! I'll tell ya, movin up here to Kentuckville sure changes ones lifestyle !!!

Wait til ya all see my new chicken coop (or what we are going to make a chicken coop out of). You'd swear I was born and raised here !!!!!!
Hey ya gotta fit in !!!

Oh and Welcome back Loadsofeggs !! Buy the way, you don't have enough chickens. We'll help you out. Need some roosters???
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ok it has happened to me, so your typing away and all of a sudden BAM you have nothing, ALL you typed is GONE! I hit the end key. now, how to get it back, you are SOL!

DrH is hiding behind Laura
I'll be back later
I think we all could help out with that!!!
Did head count yesterday and counted 16 boys
so we could stand to lose a few- have to wait till after fair for some of them to be gone as that is when we will decide who is good to keep and use!
I will have to look at that pic again too....I think I spotted him when I first looked...but maybe not! They guy in the bibs is Jerry V. His wife Terry is next to him I think she might be sitting on her walker. They are my neighbors that have the peacocks and midget turkeys among other things. Good people!
OK the torts are doing fine outside. Lost ANOTHER guinea last might! Tried and tried to get them into the coop but they just flew higher and higher and then went up on the roof! Dam^ birds...dont know that I am trying to save their lives. DS says he will shine for him tonight and then shoot him. (well, I hope he doesnt hit a guinea--they will be back in the tree again I am sure)
One of the muskovy hens got hit on the road this morning...I cut some off of it and used it to feed my snake! I will use the rest to bate the trap again tonight...if the flies dont get it all first! Maybe I will throw it in the freezer...
Called the lady to test my birds for the fair...she is telling me that she has to test the whole flock????
Looking for a loophole; any suggestions?
OK--gotta hang laundry...later! Terri O
I think that any bird 4 months and older can be tested- we are now WI Tested Flock but last year we did WI individual Poultry Test Report and looks like the birds that went to fair were tested(which was pretty much all we had). Don't know enough about it to say for sure. Our tester that does ours lets it up to us to decide how much to give her so hopefully we gave her enough this year
Good Luck Terry!
OK Dornes, I insist that we meet sometime and you can teach me how to get the most out of my camera. Those pics are fabulous! I have a Nikon D40; I take some nice shots but this thing can do so much more if I knew how to use its full potential

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