Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"


FT...cute card!

MLH....The chicks are much cuter hatched! I think that typed are sex linked. I'm a Treker too!

I'm not big on milk either, good on cereal though. I will drink goats milk when it's around and I like cooking with it. The house I was in 'till I was 5 and now rent out is 460 sq. ft! Not a party house! LOL

Broken hand put a damper on my holiday baking so no cookies here.
Didn't decorate much either.

Good morning All! fm it's not too late! Santa is very busy but would love to straighten out Cody and Hawken!
I mean HO HO HO! He'll be around all day/evening if needed. Good to hear from you as always! TO we might show up earlier than expected, will try to work our arrival around the noon meal. You know how things can change.
Go ahead and sneak in a surprise. I like surprises and oddball things. If I didn't like oddball things I wouldn't be on here now would I?
Like I said I'll give ya heads up call when we leave from down there, that'll give ya about an hour. Jammies are fine it's not like it's the first time.
Still have to check out FT card thingy. Personally I do a lot of coffee, milk, and beer. I'm well rounded, around the middle.
Can't do the oreo's anymore, nasT stuff! All homemade here and lots of em, again around the middle. 8* this morning need to get their water changed out early. Biring the bater down from upstairs and do a hot test on it. Here I go again 20 some days of hand wringing and bater neck. Worry Worry Worry! Jim aren't you close to some goose eggs pipin? This is probably my last post till after xmas. So I sincerely hope everyone has a Merry one and you enjoy all the family and friends!
I do like my hard liqour once in a while. Vodka, rum, tequila . . . As for soda, I won't touch it.

I better finish insulating the coop today. If I keep procrastinating it wont get it done and my bantams will freeze their little butts (and combs) off in January.
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Chilly morning everyone, inside and out
woke up about 3:30 am to the furnance making a funny noise-DH went and looked at it and shut it down
now waiting to hear back from our heating company as to when they can come take a look.......have a fire place so that will help in the mean time.

Happy Festivus today!
Morning All

TO- You are spot on about milk! I knew I liked you! I had a high school friend from Japan and we were talking about foods. All she said about the subject was "milk is for babies". That about sums it up right there! I'm not a calf so I don't drink like one!

Cind-Yes those babies are a sex-linked breed. Sex links are Black, Red or Gold, and every hatchery has their own spin on the name/variety. These are Gold Stars aka Gold Sex Links! They will be a nice sized dark buff/deep golden yellow? with cream hackles and cream tail feathers.
I know I liked you too! Star Trek is awesome! I like the Original series but TGN and DS9 are my favorites. Voyager was good the first season or so but then got to redundant and I never got into the one with Scott Backula, Enterprise. I loved him Quantum Leap though. I've watched some reruns of Enterprise and am sorry I never had the chance to watch it. Hey, did you ever get the chance to the The Star Trek Experience at the Las Vegas Hilton? It was amazing!

DrH- Have a very Happy Christmas! Have fun and be safe on those roads!!

H&R-Too bad about your furnace! I hope you can get it fixed quickly! Happy Festivus Day to you too! Ok I'd admit, I had to Google that one! LOL!!!

BBP-Good luck getting your coop done!

runner-Happy Holiday's to you too!

Well, not much to report here as of yet. I need to so laundry and finish wrapping gifties. Then vaccuum. I hate spelling vaccuum. I never get it right! Ok, I'm off! Chat soon!!
I drink all of the above also, except soda. And I have to be in the mood to eat an oreo, but they can be tasty dunked in your coffee. Just watch out when you get to the bottom.

MLH, thank you for the Buckeye info. It is very much appreciated.

Oh, H&R, brrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I sure hope you can get your furnace fixed ASAP. Wat lousy timing.

Well, it's getting down to the wire & I have way too much to do yet, so this 'puter is gonna have to be shelved til after the holidays. I sure hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas!
mornin', nothing much to post about. 13 goose eggs in the hatcher.. about 50 total.. still laying 1 or 2 a day.. turkey is still laying..
today is cooking day for Christmas eve party at Ann's mother's house.. mil died, but the kids still get together..

I will be making my usual cowboy beans.. they PROLLY will not be my super beans because Annie won't let me use VENZUN hamburger..

milk IS for babies.. I used to drink goat milk.. but after we got
rid of the goats, I could not hack cow milk.. It is too slimey and builds up in my throat like a luggie..

TerriO, the OF thread was temporaily shut down because of flaming.. It came back, but I fear that it has been hi-jacked by the "younger" set.. the original spirit has been removed..

everything we eat does not have to have food value.. Twinkies, Oreos, Mt Dew, all OK.... there is a sandwich in each can of beer.

Howzit Everyone! I know, long time in between posts...

Everything is going great up here in Menominee, Mi - although we still don't have any snow.

The chickens are fine and out of 9 hens - even with this cold weather, I'm getting an average of 7 eggs a day! The Rooster that I got from French Toast is doing great! He has finally worked his way up to number two position in the flock hierarchy - one little RIR still doesn't like him to get close... LOL However, he STILL isn't crowing! Is that weird or what?

Just a quick note to wish all my Cheesehead Threaders a Very Merry Christmas and a Joyous, Healthy & Happy New Year!

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