Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Good AM<   Dora was here this AM,,  she looked like she needed a cigarette..The pups are in their kennel,,, Prince is still dead..

Yes Kim,  the naughty pup with the blue collar,,  If it weren't for him, I do not think the red collar one would even give the chickens a second look..  In fact, he did not join in on the fun and he was only 10 feet away..
 DD#2 ordered some shocking collars..  I would much rather use them, than beat the dogs.. They do not associate the shock with the guy pushing the button.. all they know is that if they do what they are doing and get a shock, they associate the action with the shock..  Dora has taken to standing on the blacktop road..  that is really scarey..  

Annie should be here soon with do-nuts for B"fast..
 first cuppa is gone..

Cassie, Annie used to work at GR Heck .. she was a number cruncher.. time scheduler.. It was a very stressful place to work back then..

I just took an order for a pup from Dora's next batch of pups...  Next spring..

B'fast just walked in..  seeya........jiminnomoodtoworktoday.........

Jim I didn't mean beat them, a spanking is what I give my kids and it doesn't hurt them 1 bit, it's more reprimand than actual hitting and if it takes a smack on the nose to make them put something down then that is what I do. I'd prefer putting them in the corner like the kids, but it has never worked for me, either for the dogs or the kids......spoiled rotten little buggers they are..... LOL
I have raised dogs all my life, never had a mean one or one that was afraid of me, have had many great well behaved ones though, my dogs love me as much as I love them, usually all I have to do is say no or quit and they lay down all dejected. I never used a shock collar, thought about buying one for my chewing horse.... though..... but never could afford the 300 dollar price tag.........
To whomever asked about a full molt

There is always one in the flock!!!! CC!!! :gig

Wowzers you are all so chatty! Just replying to some and then have to go back and refresh memory on the rest. My mind is no steel trap.

Had a friend who did the vinal on the floor and up the sides and 6 in of shavings worked well.

Welcome to the newbees :welcome Keep coming back!

:hugs GR

Congrats TOMMY!!!! :woot

Had mama go up on roost before and leave the chicks behind. Cheese!!! I put them up there lucky they didn't fall off. Then some mama's only raise for 2 weeks, others for 6 months. Some eat chicks directly after hatch. Had all sorts of mamas. :/

You got an older dog to train thats a little harder. Best to start when they are young be right there for two three days, discipline and praise immediately, and they will be trained in no time. I bet if you invested in a book by Caeser Milan it would be good investment.

Too bad you just couldn't sell them the redneck now.
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Well, talk about fast shipping! That Quick Clean bucket waterer I ordered yesterday was just delivered! I was also pleasantly surprised when I pulled it out of the box to see it was all assembled too!
Afternoon all!
Wow! You guys can talk!! The critters are all great. The Does are all happy because they got treats this morning. I ran out of their goodies but got some more so they are happy. The will be een happier tomorrow morning. I got their favorite bread....yumm...
The Girls are doing great and SG is going broody...yet again....Grrr....

WELCOME to all the newbies!! We have a lot of fun here so stop by often!!!

CC-I drove past where that cat was this morning. It was gone. I pet some one picked it up....they do that here with the stags that get killed on the road.

Kristi-The new chicken shop does not have mealworms yet but she is planning on bringing them in. I get mine off Amazon. My Girls don't like the 'dead' ones. Only the live wriggling ones.
Petco has them in Janesville. Love Costco. They have the best paper towels...

Kim-Sorry your having a run of bad luck.

There was more but I can't remember all of it...

Oooohhh....Cassie.....rubber duck adhesive stickers! You know, for tubs and showers...you can always stick some of those on your coops floor....
Maybe whimsical ones with ducks holding umbrellas...."They are whimsical because ducks have neither the need for nor the ability to use umbrellas"......

Ok now that I'm done making obscure quotes....gotta go....

(Although I have to wonder if any one will pick up on the quote and who said it.....hehehehehe)
Kim what is the tie block/ring for horses? It sounds intriguing. We have fine tying horses but I certainly know of others that dont!

I haven't seen those before. But at HRC we had a particular horse that would wig almost every time he was tied. We got some bungee lead ropes, and that helped. Once in a while he'd still stretch them until they frayed apart though.

Glad Nora's back Jim. Hopefully all alone too, if ya know what I mean. Soory about Prince.

Good Afternoon all

I give up..... I can't catch up. I've been trying so I can reply but just can't do it !!!

Been busy.... canning salsa...... and...... well alot of nothing sometimes too !!!.

My internet is still all jazzed up. I have service then when I go to reply no service. I'm in a moderate coverage area..... more like no coverage !!! Dang !!

Was down in Racine the week before last for my nephews birthday.... thing that is one of the last times I posted or shortly after.

My old Auntie (90) hasn't been doing well. One of the reasons I haven't been online..... on the phone alot with sister and family....
She went into the hospital two days after I came back up here. She isn't eating. Now she is in the rehab of the nursing home and we dont' think she will be going home. It is so sad. She is legally blind and it's getting worse. She can hardly hear either. She wants to die..... I can't blame her.
She still has her tantrums..... about the people working at the home and has made it quite vocal. I'll just say this. She can be very vocal and racist. My sister had a talk with the head nurse about it and the nurse said Oh she has already dropped the F bomb about it that day. Told my sister not to worry that they had worse. Must have been real bad cause Auntie is BAD !!!
She said the staff is fine with it...... they must hire saints.

Hey Bigz .... I might be going for feed by the weeks end. Got that info on the guy with veggies again ??? Looking for some beans and ????? Chuck wants to make dilly beans.
Ok, I don't remember Jack $hit from what I all just read...... Sorry.

Oh and Happy Belated Birthday TOM !!! I don't know about you but I'm feeling this added year !!! One more year and I'll be the speed limit and quailfy for some senior discounts !!

Hey Unk.... What ya all have at your stand ???
good aft , I did get the rings installed and the rods connected to all the pistons..

then I cleaned the governer linkage rod and painted it..

I am not about to apologize for using a shock collar.. I have trained many dogs in my almost 70 years, without hitting any of them.. however, Dora came to us way beyond her puppy years, and with some bad habits, (standing on the yellow line on the road, for one ) she does not move for cars,, either too dumb to, or too bullheaded.. Holloring at her does not make her move fast.. If you never had a Maremma, or an Anatolian, you would not understand their ability to mull over your command for a few minutes before acting on it or ignoring it.. they were bred to do their own decision making..

I do not have the time nor the patience to sit on a chair and wait for her to step onto the road.. In fact, when she is with me, she doesn't go onto the road.. She does it when Annie is in the garden, mostly..

I figure a shock on the neck is much more acceptable than a semi truck in the side..

as I might have said,, if you disagree with me,, so be it.. I will still do it my way...

Kim, Annie wants to know what ingredients you use in your sloppy Joes, (we call it BBQ) ??
and I told her about your great ho-made buns.. we prolly have the ingredients for them.. I seem to recall something about potatoes, or potato water ?? this is her long week for work, so she wants to have some food ready and easy to serve..

with vinyl flooring, : If the sawdust/shavings is deep enough , the chickens will be OK.. the other danger is for the person cleaning up the coop.. If that vinyl is wet, the chance of slipping and getting hurt does exist.. just saying-----------
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Evening All...special welcome to the new folks that stopped by...nothing like home...eh!

Dang it Doc....for me, time is more precious and hard to come by someway...I thought being retired ment more time...
still beats a good day at work though...gotta love being needed by so many.

I use the wormguard broad spectrum in the feed...I've never wormed my flocks...just sayin. I have had samples tested with nothing found...wasted money.

Sorry about Prince Jim......

Yep, the quick clean waterers are my fav...I have 5 of them...if you order more than one they ship 2 together and one needs assembly...good time to learn...LOL!

Forgot to ask Doc about the marinara recipe...care to share?

Leftover corn off the grill..cut off the cob, with onions and maters and cheese, butter...delish...kinda has a Wis twist of flavor...


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