Wish me luck!


14 Years
May 3, 2007
North Central MS
I bought a hovabator still air a few months ago. Yesterday, a neighbor gave me 5 dozen mixed breed eggs... he has a yard full of free range chickens. Some eggs were Americana, others were brown, some white, and some banty.

Well, I could only fit 42 eggs in my automatic turner, so I filled it up. I had had the temp in the bator to 100, but after I put the eggs in, after several hours it was still down around 90, so I started re-adjusting... still having some trouble with that... going between 99 and 101. Right now I have it leveled (I think!) at 100.

100 is the temp hovabator reccommended with the thermometer on top of the eggs. Is this what you all think too?

Any other tips for me? Anything I need to keep in mind? This is my first attempt.

Also, do standard and banty eggs both hatch at 21 days?


Good luck with your hatch!

Does your incubator have a fan? If so, you're temp is good. Are you measuring humidity as well? If not, I recommend getting a hygrometer at Walmart and do so. Humidity is just as important as proper temp.

My standards and bantams hatch on or around 21 days.

Still air temps (bators without fans) should run around 101-102, with humidity at 45-50%. If you are using the thermometer that came with your bator, you might want to invest in good digital thermometer/hygrometer(humidity) . I got a nice one at Tractor Supply for about 8 bucks.

Good luck with your hatch!
metcalf is right on the temps and other details. The hygrometers are located in the hardware section..by lightbulbs and nails..in that area. Please don't use the thermometer that came with the bator..they are typically off by several degrees unless you calibrate them.

I just placed my Eggs and I am on day 2 now! I bought my Digital Thermometer at Wal-mart near the light bulb section! Just ask the people that work there, its called an Accurite! Works great! Goodluck with your hacth! This is my first time as well!
Okay, I went to walmart today (day 3)and bought a digitial thermoter/humidity reader. My temp is right now at 101.1 (the thermometer that came with the hovabator was dead on)... and humidity is 51%. Is the humidity too high? Should i try to get some water out of there? If i need to, how would I do that???

Also, should I candle at day 7 or wait till day 10? Also, how do you candle without screwing up the temp in the bator too much?
51 is fine. It will evaporate naturally, so I would leave it at that.

Are your vents open? That will help some evaporation. Humidity isn't that important the first few days. Don't worry about it unless it gets up to 65 +% ... Don't add anymore water until it gets below 40% and only add a table spoon of water next time. Good Luck :aww
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