Witchcraft thread

When I was younger, I prayed to Artemis for the most part. She still resonates with me a lot, despite how spiteful she can be with her punishments.

Druidry and the Celts has always called to me, especially story-wise. Perhaps it's the romanticized versions and not the accurate ones for the most part, but they still have and do to this day
They are wonderful stories for sure.
Both of these... just make sense to me!
I can relate. I think most pagan traditions/religions venerate nature, it was such a huge part of our lives. We were at its whim and I think a lot of people fail to realize that we still are.

I really dig Buddha. Zen Buddhism is what I’m studying; it seems to be the most direct and to the point.
They're going to react, just like the people who say negative things on a video just because they can. Just ignore them or take stock of the number and ignore them
I mean, at least they can sometimes get what they want from a video. Reacting don’t do nothing!!!!
Druidry venerates the divine in nature. There is no set dogma or practice. I haven’t done much research on the Druids lately because I haven’t found solid information on them that I trust. They were part of Celtic society.
Druids formed the priest caste in indigenous Celtic society. They likely had very specific teachings and religious customs but they were wiped out quite hard during Christianization. More than any other native religious tradition I'm aware of

We can conjecture a lot about them though from the puzzle pieces that remain. All Proto-Indo-European religion is quite similar beneath surface level labels

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