wives/fiances/girlfriends: any advice for getting my BF to finish coop

I'm sorry if I don't have a good answer for you here. I guess I am one of the few men left out there that will do whatever I can to get a project finished for the wife.

If she wants it, I sure make sure she gets it. That is the way we have always done it around our house and it works great. If for some reason I had a hard day and may be tired, and not getting it done as quickly as she needs or wants, she just gives me that look and promises me a night that I will never forget.

I suddenly have a second wind again, and next thing you know, it's complete.

Have fun, and hope it gets done soon.
I agree with the do nice things and say nice things about your hubby.

Just last weekend (deer hunting weekend) my hubby shot a 8 pt buck. Called the house to see if I would bring the gator back to the back 40 where he was. That was all he asked me to bring.

But me, remembering the last buck he killed last winter, he said he wished he had a bucket of warm water to rinse his hands off and get them dry. Soooo I found one of my chore buckets with a lid and filled it with the hottest water I could, grabbed a washcloth and a towel and headed for the back 40. Hot coffee in the coffee pot brewing for when he got home. They were all little things, did not take much effort, but well worth the effort. He bragged about me to all his hunting buddies, teasing that I was trained well. I knew the teasing was his way of telling me he appreciated my efforts.

Of course, he asked when I got up there if I brought his good skinning tools and I did not grab them. I thought he had them with him.....Guess not...I did however have my fence tools with me! Never leave home without them, so they worked for breaking the chest cavity bone.

What I am saying is the little things add up. Emotional bank account, adding it up. Don't expect to withdraw more than you put in!
Learn a new skill.... Home Depot or Lowe's have great staff that I've found are helpful and willing to give advice...

I now know how to use a table saw, circular saw, electric planer, drill, and even the ole tape measurer... Let me say measure three times prior to cutting and be aware of those extra little marks on the tape measurer as it does make a difference.... I found out that if you don't things either come up a tad short or a tad long....

I love my new freedom from having to beg DH to do things.... It's still better when he does it as it seems to come out a little bit nicer...

My wife is very much like this and I tell you, it makes all the difference in the world! It's always the small things that add up, and want me to run across Alaska naked for her if she needs it.

It is very easy to do, and also ensures her that she will never have to long or fuss for anything.
My DH is always doing things for me. I started working on him years ago.

Whenever he did anything that made my life easier, I gave him a kiss, pat on the butt, a hug, or something in that line. I always thanked for doing any little thing. When he is doing the dishes, I make sure I interrupt him at least once for a good kiss and mention how sexy men are when they do housework. This works for running the vacuum, too. I now have to be careful about what I say. He will take an offhand comment as a hint and go get, make, fix something I had no intention of him doing.

Of course, I am also always looking for things I can do for him. The more appreciated we both feel, the more we want to do for each other.

Since you do not have time to work on this before winter, I would go out there and start doing it yourself. If you do a good job, he will be out there taking over. Men do not like to think that they are not needed. If it turns out he is uninterested in helping, you will have learned something VERY important about him.
Hmmm. Never have to "manipulate" my husband because I'm the one in the family who has the tools (no pun intended) and the experience building things (well, I tear things down better than I put them back up).
My dad taught me how to cut wood, mix cement, wire a circuit, and plumb a house back in the '70s and '80s, when my husband was busy doing archaeology and getting his PhD. (How's that for bragging on the husband?)
Sometimes he gets a little tired of living in a construction zone, but he likes the end result. And along the way, he has become quite a carpenter. I don't enjoy working with wood, so we have a division of labor: he builds the furniture and I do the electricity and masonry.
Its true. Little things add up in a relationship, the good and the bad. The trick is having way more good things! Just this morning my DH did me a little favor. He leaves for work at 4 AM. It had snowed all night. Beings we live in the middle of nowhere we leave our keys in every thing we own. (Yes we are a little redneck!!
) I got up to find he had brought my keys in for me so I could use the remote starter button instead of running outside to start the car. Also he scraped the first layer of ice and snow off the windsheild. Later I found out he did this all while wearing his boxers! NOW.. thats sexy!!!!!!!!!!

I'd love to see pictures of him scraping snow in boxers... that is sexy....

I like doing little things that make my DH feel loved, like bringing him coffee in bed each morning and ensuring that before I go to bed there's a fresh pot of decaf coffee for him as I go to bed WAY eariler than he does... little things add up but I have NEVER been afraid to tackle any job... I may get in the middle of something and then go running to him for help which he does provide... also I learned long ago to ask his opinion on how to go about doing a task.... he loves it when I listen and follow his opinion....

My Dad always said that even being a girl, I needed to learn how to fix things... and boys should learn to cook as you never know when you might need those skills to either get by or impress a significant other.... BTW my eldest brother does 90% of the cooking since my SIL doesn't like to cook... she said that was one of the reasons she married him....
No, Citychook, I didn't think you were dissing me....I thought that maybe Allchookup missed the tongue-in-cheek-ness and I try not to offend anyone. Online stuff and e-mails don't always come across in the way they were intended!

If so, Allchookup (clever name!), my apologies.....

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