wives/fiances/girlfriends: any advice for getting my BF to finish coop


i coyly went into the barn and started moving around the shingles and the doors to the shed, making plenty of noise, then started moving around his tools. guys must have ESP when it comes to their tools because all of a sudden the door opened...

"what are you doing?"

"nothing, just making sure I have everything I need for tomorrow. do i need a nail gun or staple gun for the felt on the roof??"

"babe, you're not doing the roof. i'll do it. i promise you that we'll work on it together on saturday and get it done"

"you promise? because i want it done before it snows."

"yes, i promise. we'll get up early saturday and get more lumber and hinges and then we'll finish the coop."

"i love you"

"i love you too"

OMG!!! it worked!! YOU GALS ROCK!!! now we'll see if he actually does it
When he does what he promised on Saturday (and we will want a FULL report), reward him with very warm kisses and hugs. Tell him how sexy he looks in that tool belt. Have a favorite meal, snack, drink ready for him when he steps out of the shower when he is done. He will be eager to do it again.
funny about the tools anytime I touch hubbys tools he takes over doing the job of course I have to hear him say you dont know what your doing give me that ut its all good as long as the jobs get done
I haven't read all the replies on this thread so this might have been said before, but when my DH procrastinates too long I threaten to hire a handy man to finish the project, whatever it may be. Just the mention of spending money like that seems to inject him with adrenaline.

We recently started converting an old dog house into a new coop for my 4 chickens. All that was left to do was to cut ventilation holes in it and DH said his drill was at work and couldn't do it (he's a mechanic.) Well, after 2 - 3 weeks of him "forgetting" to bring his drill home, I bought him an inexpensive drill to keep at home... along with the hole cutting thing-a-ma-jiggers that were needed to cut holes with the drill. Voila, project finished.
miss_thenorth wrote:
I have to ask--- are you an engineer?

No, I'm not. Why would you ask that? I'm a chicken-loving, exercise-junkie guitar-player whose full-time job is doing technology research (websites, etc.) for an insurance company.

I don't see the connection between my reply and being an engineer.
I must admit, I'm a bit slow today, due to lack of coffee....


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I'd meant to add:

NewChickenMom - Excellent! Sounds like you got the committment you were looking for. I anticipate a great report next week.

Have fun doing it together!

I mean, um, Have a good time working on the coop.

NRacine wrote: I say...screw it. Figure out how to do this stuff yourself. There's no reason to not learn how to use a table saw. Look up some DIY sites and get some safety info (ps, you need safety glasses and gloves). If you need him to help you lift something then ask for just that.


Ladies, your social engineering skills are, in general, worthy of a post-doc. However, I'm well aware of what you all are capable of if you spend time honing the `other' edge of the blade:

Example: http://www.retrothing.com/2008/05/the-harmonium-a.html

find something rather alluring about a woman wielding a reciprocating saw with some authority
I'm getting the vision....

Habitats for Poultry
Extreme Coop Make-Over
Trading Coops

*swoon* The potential here is unlimited.

Call Tye Pennington! I will be all over that episode! He can come redo my coop anytime! Or just come and SIT in my coop!

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