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That pen better be fort Knox tough and free ranging better be done only if u are very alert with lgd at side and gun on other side.
oh yes a few States do have wild wolves.

Think real hard before shooting any...........big jail time if caught.

Coyoto ok to shoot.
Oh my, y'all shake in your boots. Big jail time if caught. .22-250 is a good choice. But I still like the .223 bolt or a .308 Remington.

Could some of you folks up there tell me why these animals are released, knowing they are putting you in a position to have to shoot one to protect your animals. To me that's the same as putting a fox inside your chicken house saying they have a right to be there too. I don't catch their logic. But with government actions I fail to see much logic to begin with.

Does anyone have a logical answer?
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We have a coyote pack living in our hedge row- they run across the back pasture in the early mornings to go down to my pond. So long as they don't mess with my horses, I'm okay with it. My chickens-- I have penned up and a good secure coop and run. If it's not coyotes, fox, etc... it's always going to be something. I sure don't want to stress myself out worried something is going to kill them all the time. I made sure I dug down a good wire apron all around my run, and have a top on it so nothing can crawl in. No worries here, and I don't have to run out shooting at the first sign of a predator sniffing around.
A few nights ago, the coyotes came up and set up a howl in my back yard. I put the flood lights on and saw there were all around the coop -- but no way to get in. I didn't even yell at them, just let them move on, and I went back to bed.
Now a few years back-- that's not how I reacted. I went out shooting! But that is no fun to live your life in fear that something is out there. But nothing was secure back then, either.
I wish we had wolves here in Alabama. The Red Wolf was indigenous here but long gone. Because there are no wolves, coyotes have moved in, proliferated & spread, and they are more of a threat. Wolves have a healthy fear of humans and would have kept the coyotes out.
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