Wolves - - I doubt I will sleep tonight

Odd story for today. Last night we watched a movie called "Frozen". Kids were stuck on top of a ski lift and were left there. Ultimately, two of the three were eaten by wolves. <<<Shudder>>> Hopefully, you can encourage them to go elsewhere. That's not a predator I'd want here in Georgia. Foxes, coyotes, bears, coons, possums, loose dogs are enough to deal with!
scary but also facinating...walking on the wild side indeed! Out of curiosity, why will wolves choose dogs as preferred prey? Seems odd to me, I guess they are readily available? Anyone with ideas please chime in.
I don't know why the Wolves will kill some dogs and mate with others but they have around here.

We can't shoot wolves unless they are killing our livestock or we have a tag for them. We can't just shoot them because they are around.
Haven't heard of any stalking problems around here but the cougars will chase bicyclists who are riding in the woods.
Saw it in a video rental place and thought it looked interesting. Honestly, it was the mention of wolves on the jacket that made me want to see it. And it was really pretty good, but disturbing as well. Starred the man who played Jimmy Olsen on the TV series Smallville.

It would give me shivers to hear wolves howling at night around me, though.
In Yellowstone, the reintroduced wolves kill coyotes and wolves from other packs to protect/enlarge their territories, so I imagine that is part of why they kill dogs. Some will even kill members of their own pack when there is a "pecking order" dispute that is not resolved by other means. There could be other reasons.
I have to say that I'm glad we don't have wolves as a predator here, but I would love to see them in their natural habitat sometime. I actually like the sound of coyotes because of childhood memories of growing up in the country, but I don't like them around my chickens. I hope the OP gets to see the pack with the new members (only in a good way) and that they move off and away from her animals soon.
wow very scary scenario! I'm glad I came to your thread today, and was able to read the 'all ok' update!

When we first moved in here, I asked the neighbours about the local wildlife population. Seems we have a bear, moose, deer and coyotes. I'm thinking...well..its good to know at least. Then a local hunter wanted permission to cross the property and we got to talking, he asked if I'd seen the wolves
. Not to worry apparently...he calls the coyotes wolves. We can hear them howl from the next field every night..i'm sure when we're not watching they're walking down the lane

No early snowmobile rides for us this year, we're expecting 10degrees again soon! Such a weird winter.
I almost watched frozen not long ago....lol....unfortunately things came up and never got around to watching it and I returned it to the store.

as blackbart says, unless a wolf is attacking me or my animal (s), or I have a tag from the ministry of natural resources I cannot shoot it. which is why we got bear spray and bangers. its not just wolves that rule follows, its really all animals including pheasants and partridge. As of right now all is peachy and that makes me feel better because I am home alone tonight

AKA RACHEL, they are still debating the trail opening up here, but its looking promising. we've already been seeing skiddos out most of the week, being retracked and fueled :)

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