Won’t Go in Coop at Night

Here's an inside/outside pic of the coop!
Agree with 3KillerBs that more vents (and more natural light) would be beneficial.

Here's an old post with examples of some different vent options, as well as how to protect them from the elements: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/sufficient-ventilation.1475311/page-2#post-24583587

Also not sure how big the roost is, but it looks a bit narrow and maybe close to the wall? It's probably ok for chicks but ideally you want a roost that's 2" or more in diameter/width, and 12"+ from the nearest wall.
This is our first time having chickens, so bear with us!

We moved our 6 week old chickens to the run/coop on Thursday. We have a large coop with a roost inside and then an fully enclosed run. Every night since we moved them out, they huddle in the corner of the run and won’t go in the coop. I’ve had to take my phone and use the flashlight to shine in the coop, and move all 8, one by one, into the coop. I hang out for a bit to make sure they don’t come out and then turn the light off and head inside.

The first 2 nights, 1 went to roost, but since, they only cuddle together in the corner of the coop.

Tonight, we placed a night light in the coop before dusk, hoping they’d go in. They were still all cuddled up on the corner of the run when I went out to check. I put them all in and turned off the light.

How do I get them to go in and to roost as
Usually I train my younger chicks but you can do this with the adult chickens as well. Sometimes young chicks at 6 weeks old will hurdle in a corner especially if they're introduced in a coop that already has adult chickens. Lock them up in the coop for a week or two, try a week at first and see what happens. Place the food and water in the coop and don't let them out for at least a full week, if that doesn't work try another week and so on, I believe that should fix your problem. If adult chickens are laying, pick the eggs daily but do not let chickens or younger birds out until their training period is over. This should help.
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Without an older hen to show them what they are supposed to do. You will have to train them. At dusk when it's time to go into the coop. Pick them up and place them one by one inside the coop through the pop door. If they run back out before you get them all in. Close the pop door and put them in another way. After they are all in pick them up again and set them onto the roost. In the morning when you open the pop door, they will come down the ramp. At dusk watch to see if they go up the ramp and into the coop. Some might others will continue to need you to show them. You will have to repeat this daily and they will eventually learn what they are to do. : )
This is our first time having chickens, so bear with us!

We moved our 6 week old chickens to the run/coop on Thursday. We have a large coop with a roost inside and then an fully enclosed run. Every night since we moved them out, they huddle in the corner of the run and won’t go in the coop. I’ve had to take my phone and use the flashlight to shine in the coop, and move all 8, one by one, into the coop. I hang out for a bit to make sure they don’t come out and then turn the light off and head inside.

The first 2 nights, 1 went to roost, but since, they only cuddle together in the corner of the coop.

Tonight, we placed a night light in the coop before dusk, hoping they’d go in. They were still all cuddled up on the corner of the run when I went out to check. I put them all in and turned off the light.

How do I get them to go in and to roost as well?
Ok so, mine go in the coop just fine, but I’m thinking when it gets to 120 here(gonna be 100’s this weekend and I’m exaggerating about the 120) but when it gets hot, they might like to sleep in the run(it’s under the coop)-and what would be the problem with that?
This is our first time having chickens, so bear with us!

We moved our 6 week old chickens to the run/coop on Thursday. We have a large coop with a roost inside and then an fully enclosed run. Every night since we moved them out, they huddle in the corner of the run and won’t go in the coop. I’ve had to take my phone and use the flashlight to shine in the coop, and move all 8, one by one, into the coop. I hang out for a bit to make sure they don’t come out and then turn the light off and head inside.

The first 2 nights, 1 went to roost, but since, they only cuddle together in the corner of the coop.

Tonight, we placed a night light in the coop before dusk, hoping they’d go in. They were still all cuddled up on the corner of the run when I went out to check. I put them all in and turned off the light.

How do I get them to go in and to roost as well?
Although I like to place the food outside under cover (I live in the NW = Rain), during the winter and when training them to go in the coop, I place the food inside and give them their treats inside so they recognize that as a good place. Treats go outside when they have got that figured out. / Re roosting: my chicks stayed on the floor of the coop until their feet were big enough to clasp onto the 2 x 4 we had for them. My son did build a 2x4 ramp out and angled it up to their regular roosting bars. And yes, I would pick them up when they were old enough to get a grip on the bar and "balance" them as they sort of walk up the temporary roost ramp. It only took a few days for first, one brave chicken to master the art. The others followed example. Now all my hens are roosters (at night).
This is our first time having chickens, so bear with us!

We moved our 6 week old chickens to the run/coop on Thursday. We have a large coop with a roost inside and then an fully enclosed run. Every night since we moved them out, they huddle in the corner of the run and won’t go in the coop. I’ve had to take my phone and use the flashlight to shine in the coop, and move all 8, one by one, into the coop. I hang out for a bit to make sure they don’t come out and then turn the light off and head inside.

The first 2 nights, 1 went to roost, but since, they only cuddle together in the corner of the coop.

Tonight, we placed a night light in the coop before dusk, hoping they’d go in. They were still all cuddled up on the corner of the run when I went out to check. I put them all in and turned off the light.

How do I get them to go in and to roost as well?
I always move them in the dark. I make sure there is empty roost space and then move them from their broody pen in a cat carrier to the dark main house which is shut up for the night. I wear a little head lamp and gently put them two at a time on the roost. It works every time. They wake up and , magic, the older girls pay no attention them. ThenI open the door. It takes a few days for them to wonder out into the outside pen. But, they roost every night in the same place all together. Hope this helps you. I have been using this method for 20 years.
Ok so, mine go in the coop just fine, but I’m thinking when it gets to 120 here(gonna be 100’s this weekend and I’m exaggerating about the 120) but when it gets hot, they might like to sleep in the run(it’s under the coop)-and what would be the problem with that?

Nothing , as long as your run is predator-proof.

In a hot climate you might even want to consider converting your coop and run to an Open Air coop -- which is, essentially, a roofed wire box with a weather shelter at one end.

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