Happy for you that it is almost cleared up...We had a similar incident one time renting the basement of a coworker til we found a place. Before us, their dog stayed down there and it was full of fleas. I was picking fleas off my chihuahua daily...Before that he never had any.

BTW, we used to live in Helen many years ago...Hubby worked at Mountain Lakes Resort. Lived there for about 1 1/2 yrs and our DD was born in Demorest and we bought her some baby clothes from the Cabbage Patch Hospital in Cleveland. Beautiful country there...Would recommend a visit to anyone. We always referred to Helen as Little Gatlinburg. We also have some good friends that live in Dahlonega...That is a pretty area too and full of history.

Oh I love helen! I would consider it a mini gatlinburg too! I go there when I cant go up to Tn.
I LOVE the mountains!

But I think the fleas have left us. They arent scratching and licking like they were. Guess it wasnt as bad as I thought.
But something I just remembered that no one else said was Seven Dust!
I have not read through all the posts here, but just in case no one mentioned it... Vacuum, Vacuum, Vacuum! I have even vacuumed my cat and dog. It does wonders to keep fleas at bay.
I had a small little Heinz 75 mutt when I growing up up. Stray, liver problems, etc.. Lived to be 22 yrs old. Whenever my father noticed fleas, he dusted her with sevin dust. She was almost all black, but would be a medium grey when he was done. The dog didn't mind, and would go lay down in her normal spots depositing dust. Fleas would be gone in a day or so, and the fleas and eggs would not survive either because of the secondary dusting. Lots of controversy with sevin (just like DE), most say it's pretty harmless, others say it isn't. Never seen a study or hard facts to say it is harmful (or that it isn't). Like I said dog lived to be 22 yrs old. Treatment was VERY effective and cheap. Step grand parents also sprinkled brewers yeast onto their dogs food. They claimed it worked very well, but would slowly stop working after so many years. If I remember right, they would stop for a period of time when it did, and then start up again, but don't quote me on that.

I tried, I really did try to read past the first page but I was getting itchy just thinking about flea infestation!
Well I got them off the dogs...
Now my newest cat has them!
I put flea med on her and picked as much as i could off...
And vacuuming!
Fleas are evil. They can also live in the cracks of hardwood floors. If the cat or dog sleeps in your bed, wash your bedding. An ultra hot run through the dryer will also kill them.

Good luck.
Give your dogs a clove of garlic each day for 2 weeks. My Mom's vet told her to do this when her dog came home from a weekend kennel trip with fleas. I know it sounds crazy but it works. The dogs sweat the garlic out and the fleas hate it. They will leave the dogs. You won't smell the garlic on the dogs fur but the fleas will.

Then you have to use flea killer on anything the dogs came in contact with like rugs, carpets and upholstered furniture. Salt sprinkled on the carpets will work as an organic remedy, it dehydrates the fleas and the eggs; so does boric acid which comes in powder form.

Good Luck!!!
I use the DE when I see anything I take the dogs outside and really cover them in DE has worked for me and I have a collie and a golden retriever lol lots of hair. So far they have not had a flea or tick problem yet. Years ago I used Boric acid out in my yard and ever since we have not had any fleas in the yard. Itried to order it again online but for some reason you can't

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