world's largest wild chicken ever captured!!!!!

Well it is definitely chocolate - but not sure if it is a pure breed orpington? I thought it could be a x breed due to its size and those rather large protruding eye balls?? They are not really Orp looking???

Maybe she is part ostrich???? Not Emu the egg was the wrong colour???? I thought the orange in her was a bit of a clue to the breed but maybe not. What about the comb? Any ideas???

Unfortunately she won't let me see her legs so not sure how many toes she should have??? Feathered legs or not etc? Anyhow I would think she is a classic Belgium giant breed of some kind? The big question of course is should I keep her for breeding or just eat her instead??????? Ummmmmmmm???????????? Hard to know when rare birds are involved????

Oesdog -

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