worming chickens

I too have just starting using Verm-X which is an all natural wormer that requires no egg with drawal. I was super scared I did something wrong as I started the worm formula on Monday and used it every day (the spoon is really small 2.5 g per bird per day for 3 days straight. (I only had 3 RIR girls), On Saturday I discovered one of the hens dead it looked like she died while on the roost. The other 2 are so tramatized that they haven't laid an egg since and don't want to go in the coop. At first I thought the meds may have caused the hen's death but after a few days of keeping an eye on the other 2 they seem fine. I was assured that the Verm-X would be very effective with no bad side effects from the toxic chemical meds. I really didn't want to use the other meds as some research has determined that the chemicals are found in chickens and eggs long after the 2 week egg withdrawal period. Has anyone else used this product, and any comments on DE mixed with food. How has it worked?
mmaddie's mom :

I've heard of something that you put in drops on their skin and it gets rid of worms and surface parasites also... what is it? Does anyone know and is it any good? Sounds easy and does a host of things at once. ? ? ?

Ivomec pour on for cattle(TSC stocks it) 1 cc on base of neck ,on the back. that dose for peafowl and turkey. chicken 1/2 cc.

I also use safe guard for goats 3 cc per gal of water.

DON'T use both at the same time.​
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I worm mine the first time around 4 1/2 months. They start laying around age 5 - 7 months. This way they are wormed before they start laying and I don't lose any eggs.
Worms are becoming immune to the overuse of chemicals. And I can tell you from first hand experience that I have seen our top show dogs lives saved by DE when chemicals did not work. Many of the organic farmers in my area also use it with excellent results. I bought goats from two breeders that wormed with chemicals (like crazy) and those are the goats that expelled the most worms when hit with DE. I use it with all of my animals...goats, birds, show dogs. Apple Cider Vinegar also cuts down on bacteria buildup in the intestinal tract and is great for overall health.
My grandma and some others I knew of growing up added some "stuff" to the chicks water that helped in the prevention of mites, lice and worms. Is anyone familiar with it? If so, could you please tell me what it is?

Thanks so much!
Well as a Canine Holistic Nutrisionist I can tell you that chemical wormers are also rotated and over used in dogs and DE does remove infestation. I've never had an infestation in chickens and I am newer to owning fowl, so I will admit that where birds are concerned those of you with more experience will know what works and what doesn't. But we do have long time chicken keepers here in my area that use holistic methods successfully. I believe there is a place for both conventional and holistic.
You have to also consider where you live. If you live in an area (like I do) that is hot, wet and humid most of the year....the soil is very condusive for worms, all types of worms. That being said, DE is useless when it's wet as are many of the other natural wormers, it's a fact of life. The best way to tell is taking a fecal sample to your local vet and get it looked at for worms. If it's determined that your chickens have worms, I can assure you the vet WONT recommend a natural or holistic cure. Treat with chemicals so that your chickens may live a long and productive life. If you dont, you are subjecting them to slow death by starvation and it's the owners fault. You have to be responsible and accountable for your actions or inactions regarding all animals in your care.

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