Worming peacocks

I can in the morning when it is daylight
Okay. I hope it's still alive then.

I got the dewormer for goats Sage-gauard 10%. It says 2.3mg/lb and it give dosage examples (on the back) like a 25lb goat would only get 0.6ml. So the goat dosage is much higher than the peafowl?? Because your (.23 ml/lb) calculations had me giving 1.84 mls for only an 8 pound bird. I gave him that first dosage before I read the back of this bottle. I wanted to treat him for 5 days, but now I am worried about the correct dosage especially over a 4-5 day period.
I got the dewormer for goats Sage-gauard 10%.  It says 2.3mg/lb and it give dosage examples (on the back) like a 25lb goat would only get 0.6ml.  So the goat dosage is much higher than the peafowl?? Because your (.23 ml/lb) calculations had me giving 1.84 mls for only an 8 pound bird.  I gave him that first dosage before I read the back of this bottle. I wanted to treat him for 5 days, but now I am worried about the correct dosage especially over a 4-5 day period.

This is what we do and is our personal observations, just trying to help, having said that, EDIT: we administer safequard or valbazen 2.5-3ml a day "ORALLY" for adult peafowl for 5 days then repeat after 10. Dont be to overly concerned with overdosing because its really hard to do with todays dewormers yes, it can be done but you really have to be trying to kill a bird with safeguard or valbazen. Its under dosing that can be the issue. Orally is the preferred method and if you do not want to catch them in the future you can deworm them with valbazen (albenzadole) it is better soluble in water when compared to safeguard which will settle in the bottom of your waterer. For adult birds we use 7ml valbazen per gallon for 5 days then repeat after 10. Hope this helps,

Gerald Barker
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