Worming: Questions for Experienced Flock Owners


May 23, 2020
I know that you experienced flock owners probably don’t have the time to stop and answer questions for all of us newbies and with so many of us coming into ownership as of late I’m sure it has become rather old. However, I want to say right up front how much I appreciate you sharing your words of wisdom and priceless information that many times we can’t find on the good ole internet though awesome it is and in some of these books still floating around out here. I do thank you for taking your time to help us out. I have been searching for a week now to find correct info about working chickens. I cannot find a vet where I live who will see chickens. I have bought three books. I have read all them. I have a kindle. I have read all I can find so far on BYC but have not found it so far. Maybe I will get to it sooner or later but so far no one will leave me a reply about it and that includes the admin support group about worming chickens. I just want to know if I can buy something and how often is it required? I also just want to know if you are trying to keep your flock organic if it is truly safe to keep them off medicated feed when the chicks have not been vaccinated against coccidiosis as long as they are showing no signs of any symptoms?

Those were my only two burning questions that I couldn’t seem to get anyone to answer and I may not yet. It seems to be a big ticket secret items.
Thank you all for your time. I know it is valuable.
try this
and you'll have more success with searching and questions if you turn off predictive text; working chickens is not the same thing as worming chickens.
Peru’s you are so correct! I did edit this thread title. Thank you for pointing this out. Reminds me of the horrible book about beginners guide for backyard chickens that I was reading today- that was not the title. It was so full of spelling errors and mistakes and just bad quoting and horrible text on the topics it was speaking it about that I wanted to just trash it. A five year old could have done better. Thank you for your help sincerely!

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