

10 Years
Apr 4, 2009
Mountains of Eastern Ky
I have never wormed chickens before. Is it something they need? How can you tell if it's needed. I am asking because I have a 1 1/2 yo bantam hen that is having problems with weakness and soft stool. She is also very thin.
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Diatomaceous Earth (DE) is a GREAT general wormer. Just mix a little in with the food. It is not that expensive but they sell it often in HUGE bags. You can use it for LOTS of other uses in the grarden and with pets. It is worth a try.
Chickens should be wormed 2 times a year. Spring and fall. DE is not a wormer, it is ok for a preventaive though. I use Wazine first, put it in their water. Then 2 weeks later, follow up with ivermectin. Dosages for both are on this website. Just type in the search box.
Wazine 17
This paralyzes the wormload and they are passed out of the hen. Follow up with eprinex ivermectin pour-on ($$) 2 weeks later. This kills the worms in all stages. It would be too hard on your hen to start with ivermectin.....
Do a search for doses, as Or. chicken gal suggested. See if you can find a post about worming by Horsefeatherz. I will look for it also.
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