
24 weeks is the average age for the first egg. I've had several go well past 30 weeks. And, they should have feed free choice. Don't worry....it's actually better if they take a bit longer to start laying - if they begin too early, there's a much higher chance of egg laying issues later, such as prolapse or internal laying. So...patience is the word!
Patience is a virtue. Don't sweat it yet. The days are getting shorter. Also, if they are free ranging, the might have hidden a few eggs in the yard.
I have 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Sliver Laced Wyandottes and 2 Black Stars, they didn't start laying til they were between 24 - 25 weeks old. I have food and water available to them all the time. They eat what they want, when they want it.

I worried that I wouldn't get eggs either, but not anymore. . . like the previous post says "patience is a virtue". But remember "a watched pot never boils" so in chicken terms, "a watched chicken never lays an egg".

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