Worst TV show ever

WHAT I'M NOT A HOARDER! i only have 31 pets lol
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Most shows on Animal Planet anymore. Like hoarders and that stupid deadly attraction, or whatever it is called. They are always twisting things around, it is all about drama and shock value. In fact I don't watch much tv. And I hate Seinfeld too, never could stand him.
The Checkers & Pogo Show. Gawd, it was awful. Of course we kids all loved it. I had a C&P skateboard, camera, and I'm sure another thing or two and my older brother actually went on it. Imagine Wally George + PeeWee's Playhouse + really weird old cartoons. I mean, the cartoons' quality started with Clutch Cargo and went downhill from there.
My wife pointed out the chicken hoarding episode directing it at me. We have 14 chickens Japanese up to large brahmas. We hatched out 8 chicks this winter and I insisted we keep them inside. They took over the back room, the carpet got trashed ( but it was damaged already from a heat lamp last spring). I have new pergo to put in there anyway and I figured the ruined carpet would give me the drive to finally put the new floor in.
So I finally watched the episode and fully understood where the guy was coming from, He liked all his birds but really was concerned for the roosters because they are especially difficult to rehome. In the end he got a rescue group to help and got down to @ 20 birds.
I suppose those shows could place chicken owners in a bad light but there is a lot of bias against chickens as pets. Its convenient to view chickens as stupid filthy animals that deserve to be killed. There is no guilt at KFC if you keep that frame of mind.
Instead of that show with the little people rescuing pit bulls they should have a show with regular people rescuing chickens and dealing with the govt toads who pass laws against chicken ownership.

Whyy should a parrot be worth hundreds of dollars when a nice banty cochin roo has way more presonality. I love my little guy "Mr Chicken"
Dont hate a show because of some dumb butt inlaws....

YOU need to take more offense on how rude they are treating you,.... never mind the t.v......

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