Would everyone please......

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May I ask, is there a minimum age for this forum? My younger DD absolutely loves sitting here and reading everything on this site and she's been begging me for her own user name. She absolutely loves raising chickens and has even started her own breeding project with her Marans rooster. I trust this MUCH more than I trust Facebook or other social networking site, and I figure, I can monitor her more closely on here. So, I'd like to know if there is a minimum age, or an age that I can tell her so she can wait patiently until then? She's 10 1/2 now. A little too young for my taste to be on ANY forums, but if it's ok, I can set down ground rules and sit at the computer with her when she is on. I do that already as it is! I have seen some youngins on here (showing my age there, lol), and I caught on to how young they are mostly because of the way they talk. Can you tell I'm a mom? Lol. So I know they are floating around here, mostly anonymous, but I teach my kids honesty, so if they join I want them to state honestly that they are young. I'm thinking she should wait another year and a half at least. But I'd like to hear from a moderator first. Thank you!
As far as I know, there are no age limits.

Of course, everyone has to act tolerably mature at all times.
There is no minimum age (but IMO there should be), but we do not allow minors to post their age for their own protection and a very quick way to have access removed is to post your age and too much personal info or start in asking how old the kids here are. We don't know if it is a predator or a troll or just a kid w/o common sense.

Chat is a place where I am swift to remove access to anyone probing too much into others personal lives, especially where minors are seemingly targeted. I ban first and discuss later.

The Staff spends a lot, A LOT of time policing the minors here to keep them safe. I appreciate that you will monitor your child. Please do remove any ages from your above post so she is safer.
I wouldn't say anything here that I wouldn't say in front of my mother...(The Saint)

It's a matter of respect
Thank the mods/adm for all the work you guys do. This is the only forum I feel comfortable on. I am a school teacher and therefore probably more ultraconservative than some, but thanks for keeping this clean, safe, and fun. The teachers and I spend a lot of time at school trying to teach our students: appropriate thing at the appropriate time in the appropriate place and way. I don't know how much academic stuff we get taught, but we spend a lot of time teaching the whole child about citizenship, behavior, and technology etiquette. All forums would be better places for everyone to participate if they took lessons from the BYC. THANKS!!!!
Thank you silkiechicken. I 105% agree with you.

This is a "help others, learn and have fun" forum. This is NOT a "say whatever you want to no matter who it hurts" forum. This is NOT a "bash people who need help" forum. This is NOT a "get dirty" forum. This is NOT a "start long-term arguments to the point that people have to leave" forum. This is NOT a "feel entitled to say or do anything because of whatever reason" forum.

I appreiciate the work our staff does for us. If not, this would become a very hurtful place. For some reason, sometimes we forget the forum rules and say whatever, usually when someone makes us mad. An example:

Someone asks if Polish is a good breed to get. Someone else says "Polish are stupid, don't get them." You've bred Polish for 40 years and know this simply isn't true.

There a HUGE difference between

Situation #1: You post your own reply to the OP: "polish are smart and good layers. I'd say get them."

Situation #2:] You flame the reply: "I can't believe you! You ought not to have chickens. Polish are the best breed ever and if you say they are stupid, you're so dumb. You probably are one of those city slickers. Get out!"

In Sit. #1, the Polish critic will probably mind her own business. In sit. #2, she will probably flame you back, and before you know it, there's a flame war. Soon the thread will be closed and both you and the Polish
critic will be in trouble. Just don't reply to a post you disagree with and try to counter what they said or put the poster down. If it's an answer to someone else's question, post your own answer. If it's an answer to yours, well, why would you ask if you already knew? If in Sit. #1, Polish critic stoops so low to tell you off? Report her.

That's the difference between a peaceful forum and a flame-mess forum.
I didn't think something like this would be an issue on a chicken forum!!?? I surf a lot of websites and get the "Hey you wanna chat about ... you single...? (using manly voice here) and I absolutely hate that because I didn't sign up to that website for that. But I've come to realize that some people will stoop to any level to be able to get what they want. Its pretty sad to be honest with you!! I love this site, and I like to sit here with my 6yr old when she gets home from school and look up questions she has about chicks or look at pics. I would be mortified if she came across something of adult content. So I am happy the mods are soo great about this!!!!! OHHHHHHHH and CHICKENS ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOTALLY HOOKED ON MY PEEPS AND BYC
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