Would Someone Call Jack Frost?

Hey Helen,

My sister is in Juneau, they had record snow last year with 200+ inches. The ski resort opened for Halloween and stayed open all winter, a first in Juneau history. Was Kodiak like that last year? Your birds probably were just molting, picking the worst season to do it in. The heat lamp is probably a good idea. Using a deep litter method would probably also generate some extra heat, as it composts in the coop.

Here in Texas, sixties this morning. Lovely!!!!
Sweatshirt time!!! 60 is COLD to me.

You'd freeze at my house! I keep the thermostat set at 62 all winter!
Heating fuel is $$$$
Morning Helen, I just read your post about temps in the winter. I have a catalogue from Rochester that says to; ' keep your barn at 55. And don't go below that.
Decreasing the day length, lack of water or cold temperatures may result in a molt. '
Hope this helps.
You would freeze at my house, too. We never turn on the heater at night. I keep the fires at a low slow burn and get up early every morning and get them going at full burn. It doesn't take too long to get the heat going. My kids know when they get up in the morning to put on their robes and bedroom slippers.

Other than the radient heat of the stoves we never turn on the heat or set the thermostat. Not even at night. One thing that helps us is all of the water pipes in my house run from the cellar and are in one location in our house running straight up to the second story bathroom. They are nearly in the center of the house so we don't worry much about them freezing at night.

I also spent a lot of time hunting down out of season bedding sales and after christmas sales to be able to purchase very nice bedding for each bed in my house. We have 1 king, 1 queen, 2 full and 2 twin sized beds. Each bed is outfitted with mattress covers and pads, down/feather bed, flannel sheets, quilt, and down comforter.

Good bedding makes a huge difference in the dead of winter, too.
I'm looking forward to cool weather also. But I can just imagine all of us saying - a month or two from now- how very cold it is and how winter sucks, etc. can't wait for Spring yada yada yada.

Honestly, it's been too warm here for me. I'm looking forward to fluffy snow and crisp cool days and warm fires and everything that goes with it.

Mark my words, I'll be here in February complaining with all you guys about how winter stinks and spring should be here. And not soon enough!
dunno about where you all live, but jack frost has arrived in ohio! 40 degree difference since Monday! it was 92 on monday here, today it didn't make it over 52. i turned out the chickens like normal at around 9, when i went down at 2:30 to check on them, they were all huddled up hiding out in the barn. they were not amused. they think i made it cold!
silly chickens.
Sweatshirt time!!! 60 is COLD to me.

You'd freeze at my house! I keep the thermostat set at 62 all winter!
Heating fuel is $$$$

OMGosh!!! I'd die. I LOVE heat. I'd reather burn to death then freeze...it's a southern thang!
Ya'll are gonna hate me for this, but I sat here at my desk all day wearing a light weight fleece jacket. It's 45 out now and headed for 33, tomorrow's high will be 60 and raining.

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