Would You Be Mad ?

I think this is just ridiculous. Obviously she is capable enough to run the household, saw the wood, take care of the critters, spray the weeds, etc., on her own while her husband is away at work. I certainly think she is perfectly capable to make a decision to get a saw fixed. If the hubby gets mad about it, he is the one causing the strife and grief, anger and argument.

Get your saw fixed however you see fit and don't waste your time and energy worrying about it.
Talk to the buddy yourself and say I need it done by the end of this week. Ask him if he's available to look at it, and if not tell him it's ok I'll just bring it to the shop and get it done.

I think your husband is trying to make life easier for you and sees a cheaper alternative, but you see it as a time inconvenience because his buddy has shown in the past that he's unreliable.

TBH I would rather have the buddy help me with the wood than fix the saw.

Would I be mad? Yes I would.

ETA: As for needing wood now, we have wood that we've already started to saw (and have been since March) and split because it needs to be seasoned. You can't just leave it until the end or you might not have seasoned firewood and you'll probably drive yourself insane.
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Jeez.. your hubby should be kissing the ground that you walk on for you even wanting to USE a saw! My god... WHAT more does he want from you?...
My lazy/pathetic/sissy self would never even think of touching a saw... never..
I'd chop my hands and legs off or something..
Some men dont know when they have it good,,i tell ya!
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Yah, I'm with Red. I do 99.9% of the labor around here, as DH works and he works away alot. I build, I use the table saw, I haul, I plant, I cultivate, I harvest, I work my land. I can even fix the truckc if push comes to shove (no pun intended). But one thing I cannot and will not do is mess with the chainsaw. Ohhh no. Ohhh no. I'm way too easily distr... ohhhh, look... a CHICKEN..........

Your DH is darn lucky that you are putting in the time and mulework to provide heat for your family over the winter. He'll sure appreciate it come snow-time.

I say fix the saw yourself and be done with it.

Oh, and good on ya, sista for doing all you do.
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Yup, we've had deals like that... on cars especially... I realize you're doing us a 'favor' by 'fitting us into your busy schedule'... of course it's in return for a favor already done for you... but why in the world do you keep the car THREE WEEKS without it ever moving... we could have been driving it during that time... then you let us know when you can actually do anything to it and we bring it in... VERY ANNOYING.

Or even better, our landlord finally calls 'Buck the Contractor' to come fix the leak behind the tile in our shower... this is MONTHS of leaking into the wall you'd think he'd give a crap about that kind of damage to a property he owns -one more reason we won't ever think about buying this house- anywho, he comes, takes out tile, runs to the store for parts for two hours, comes back and does his thing, puts tiles back in, and says not to use it for a few hours... we waited two days to be sure... fire it up and tadaa LEAK IS STILL THERE. Won't even get into the rigged up job he did on closing in the garage or fixing the chimney...

You need the saw fixed NOW, so you can do the work YOU are responsible for... you gotta do what you gotta do... I'd go get it fixed at the shop and if/when the 'buddy' ever shows up tell him he can help out by using it to cut wood for a couple hours instead.
I guess I fail to see how it's even your DH's problem.

I went out to mow first of this season. Fired it up on the second try, I thought OH Awesome! I love this mower! . . . . one, maybe one and a half laps around the yard and it dies and won't restart. I loaded that sucker up in my truck and had it in the shop in under 20 minutes.
Never thought to ask DH what to do about it.

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