Would you buy a house near a chicken house?

During my first marriage we lived 1 street over from a mushroom farm... it reeked of manure all year long, then summer heat came... I would not do it again. My husband had grown up on that street, said he didn't smell it, but.....
Honestly...after a few hours of sitting there, you won't be able to smell it yourself. Visitors...yes.

But, you HAVE to check the ordinance. There are laws about how close you can have your birds to an already established poultry farm.
I can tell you this about odors and chicken farms. It depends on the chicken farm. There are three large egg farms that I drive by frequently. Two have no detectable odor at all. If it weren't for the sign out front I would never know there were chickens there at all. The third smelled to high heaven. It is no longer in business, but it still smelled terrible for months after it ceased operations.
I couldn't bare to live near one...
My cousin has chicken houses right beside the interstate.OMG When they turn those heaters on it STINKS !! Really bad.Its a mixture of poop and rotting flesh.
I could never do it even with the nasal fatigue. I would know the smell was there and I would worry about the fact that I smelled like chicken poo.
I spent the summer of 1980 in the San Joaquin Valley of California. When I was out on my 'rounds' it was real obvious when I was within a mile of chicken barns.
I'd imagine it'd be about as bad as living near a pig farm. It always stank. Even though I washed my clothes, everybody told us that we smelled like manure. Chickens on the other hand can be 100x worse than pigs if not properly cared for.
About them regulations?

You guys telling me that I could live on my own property, next door to a operation that has 100g chickens and not be allowed to own 10 chickens myself?
You talk about I'd have a real big problem with that.

Biosecurity would have to be on the other side of my place, the very idea of that regulation simply defies the logic of my simple mind.
We have commercial broiler houses next to our farm. Thankfully, they are downwind. There are also eight commercial houses north of us, on the other side of our woods. I smell those eight on bad days. The worst part of it is when our neighbor, who owns the eight houses, cleans out his houses and the litter is trucked onto our farm to be put on the meadows. He leases the meadows from us to graze his cattle and cut hay from.
So, on a bad day I'll notice the smell. DH says it's the "smell of money". This whole area is nothing but one big chicken farm. It doesn't bother me much anymore. I grew up around commercial hog farms. We still have a debate going, which smells worse, hogs or chickens.
Pretty much everyone I know has commercial houses. Only one of them has a problem with me having backyard birds. He asked me to leave his property because of it. No biggie. DH may have been friends with this guy for a long time, but I think the guys an idiot, even before he asked me to leave.

Tyson may not like me having commercial birds, but tuff stuff. This farm has been here alot longer than Tyson has. As one of my neighbors/commercial farmer/best egg customers has said, she's alot more worried about her birds giving mine something than the other way around.
By the way, DH dismantled our own commercial houses years ago.

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