Would you eat this?


Aug 20, 2020
Our eggs have been cracked more recently more than ever before. Not sure they the hens are stepping on them or it the eggs are getting cracked when they are laid.

I hate throwing eggs out. My husband is concerned about contamination.

Is this safe to eat?


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Our eggs have been cracked more recently more than ever before. Not sure they the hens are stepping on them or it the eggs are getting cracked when they are laid.

I hate throwing eggs out. My husband is concerned about contamination.

Is this safe to eat?
Welcome to BYC! :frow

I agree with the first poster.. noting that anything I won't eat gets boiled or scrambled and fed back to the animals (including shell) instead of trashed. All egg shells are set aside to dry (and avoid mold growth) then SLIGHTLY crushed before going to the calcium dish.

Here is a nice little read about egg quality conditions and POSSIBLE causes..

I eat them, never had problems after a few weeks storage(Refrigerated), or eaten over easy. Cracked eggs aren't a concern for us.

Only time I toss them is if they're broken through the membrane. They're given back to the birds. Not wasted this way either.
I just ate a cracked on this morning. I cracked into a separate bowl and gave it a good look over and a sniff test. It passed both tests and was delicious. Just give a good once over for safety. It should be fine. And welcome :welcome
I wouldn't eat it but I like my eggs under done (like, way under). I'd see about addressing the issue with the eggs since you said this is a regular thing - are these new layers, older birds? Are all the eggs cracking or just some? What do you feed them? Do they have access to a source of calcium such as oyster shell?

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