Writing contest

  1. no stealing stories/ideas
  2. When we vote you CANNOT vote for yourself
  3. you CAN use an Tv show/book as an Idea- but NO COPYING IT!!
  4. If you use a book/Tv show as an idea, you HAVE to tell me!!!
  5. No swearing, and what you post MUST be aproppiate for all ages!!
  6. Follow BYC rules!
People who may like to join :
@Starburst @CrazyCochin @Alyssa-Bee @RoosterWhisperer @LittleBigBantam @cluckmecoop7 @Crestcrazy @Crestcrazy2 @KaLe dA QuAiL @EmmaRainboe @Pullet Press @Pullet Pamperer @TwoCrows @anybody
Well, count me in!

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