Writing School

Isabelle’s eyes flashed, her dagger pressed threateningly into the victims neck. “I said tell me” her voice echoed around the dense chamber. “I-I-I d-d-Don’t k-k-know” the woman stuttered. “Very well” Isabelle snarled “you leave me with no choice”. Her dagger pressed into the woman’s air pipe and she crumpled to the floor her eyes staring up at the ceiling. Isabelle pulled a cloth out her pocket and cleaned the fresh blood off the silver. She started off through the dungeons her heeled boots tapping as she went. “Move” she snapped at one of the servants. The servant scurried off, Issy has been hired as an interrogator to force words out of the criminals mouths. She made her way into the waiting room, the woman at reception looked up “ma-am how may I help?” She asked. Issy smiled tightly at her “get me Sir Hisbuts NOW” she barked. The receptionist smiled tightly, “sorry miss he is booked for two weeks no gaps” she sneered. “Ahhh Miss Greyburn” both Issy and the receptionist look up startled “now Margret I hope you were being nice to our friend Isabelle”. Sir Hisbuts paces the room “Issy May I talk to you in my office?” He asks. Isabelle nods and follows him in. “Here it is, we have a new Criminal named Ebony Darkflower, I need you to interrogate her, nothing we have said has gotton ANYTHING out of her” He snarls. “Don’t worry sir, I will fix her” Isabelle smiles wryly. Isabelle flicks her long dark hair over her shoulder and her cold green eyes fix on the girl seated in the chair. “Miss Darkflower I presume?” Isabelle sneered. The girl had short wave brown hair and amber eyes “what do you want?” She spat glaring with cold eyes at Isabelle. “I want to know why your here?” Isabelle snarled. Ebony met her green eyes with her amber ones “the Sky is above me, the earth below me and the fire within me” Ebony answered coolly. Isabelle gaped at her, “what?!” She shrieked. “What kind of an answer is that?!” “No kind” Ebony smirked and repeated “the Sky is above me, the earth below me and the fire within me, these words may do you some good miss Greyburn”. Ebony stood and walked down the rows of cells till she reached her own. Isabelle started after her, this girl had some nerve talking to her like that. “Oh” she made an annoyed sound in the back of the throat, from that day forth she would always loath Ebony Darkflower
Very descriptive!
First things first. You keep switching between past and present tense, I don't know whether you mean to stay in present but that's the first flaw I see.
Secondly, when you end dialogue, you need to put a comma inside the quotations unless you're starting a new sentence. That way its less confusing and you don't have to make repetitive short sentences.
Thirdly, I see you don't know how to use Your or You're. Where you said: "I want to know why your here?" You should have used You're because she's asking I want to know why you are here.
Fourthly, back to that same sentence, "I want to know why your here?" She isn't asking a question, she is stating something, therefore it should be a period, not a question mark.
Fifthly, I see quite a few sentences in need of commas where you didn't put commas. But you can always work on that. Just read slowly and ask yourself, does a comma belong here?
Lastly, I don't really see anything relating to Bravery. Can you point out to me where you icorporated that into the story?

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