Wry Neck - Confused about treatment

Sorry for the multiple posts- have no idea why my phone did that
WOW, she does look like she's improving, but still very weak. HUm. No crustiness, Definitely not wry neck, something else is going on. After a week she should have shown a lot more improvement but she does have her head forward which is good. Dang it, wish I could pin point it. Let me think, I wonder if she's got something internally going on. You said she's pooping so that's good even though its watery. We could try to give her some antibotics to see if that will help after that we can try giving her some for a bacterial infection.

With the shaking I'm wondering if that's what's going on, do you have any antibotics, I would try to give her some, it's not going to hurt her and if there is an infection going on perhaps it will help knock it out of her.
Open her mouth, take a look inside, see if you see anything unusally like maybe little lumps, an odor, mucus, redness anything out of the ordinary if you have another chicken compair the two mouths.

You did say her crop does NOT empty all the way in the morning right? Ha perhaps Impacted Crop, keep giving her yogurt and give her some ACV, apple cider vingar. Then massage that crop vigerously. Keep massaging for about 20 minutes, let her rest for a while then massage again, keep doing this about 3 maybe 4 times a day. Right now she shouldn't have anything in her crop because she hasn't been eating, try to get her unblocked.
Funny you should say that- I got some anti biotics off a friend today ( Tylan) it's from the vets so I'm hoping this helps.. I gave her re I rest dose tonight. I've also one back to syringe feeding her as she wasn't eating enough on her own.. She is getting yogurt daily and I've put her on baby food.. ( hope this is ok) her cop is emptying its just not empty in morning. But saying that I'm feeing her her last feed at about 7pm, so I'm not sure if its about right in morning with such a Late feed?
Her mouth is normal- what did you think about her eye? It's looks clear I thought?
So you don't think it was ever wry neck? Her head was very twisted- but now t just looks normal but no strength in it, she flops it down low or tucks it over her right wing, unless I prop it p with the towel.
Her vent is messy again with the poo, is it ok that I keep trimming it?
I also can't believe she is still alive to be honest- I must be doing something right as its now been about 10 or 12 days since she went down hill..... I will Baycox her again in another day or so & ill worm her again next Tuesday..
She keeps pushing up with her legs and kinda sits on her tail ( hope that makes sense?) her legs are more out front ad she balances on her tail unless I tuck her legs underneath her. But she still pushes herself up ....
I wish I knew what else to do for her, I feel hopeless and pray I'm helping her in some way.
Your the only one that has been kind enough to help and advise me- THANKYOU!!! Truly, I appreciate it soo much, & check this page every morning I see if you've replied :) it makes me feel not alone and as its been challenging and scarey dealing with such an unwell girl on my own... Xxxxx
I gave her her first dose of antibiotics tonight
Cool, I can't really see her eye color, you want to look to see if they are slightly grey if they are then I think I know what it is. If not then lets keep this up..

Sitting on her tail is not a good sign for what I think it maybe. But lets not talk about that just yet. Lets see if the antibotics help..

Yes you can trim her butt feathers, if and when she recovers they will grow back.
If it is Mareks- how long will she stay alive for? I didn't think there was anything I could do if it was that to help her? So if it is Mareks what I've done would be making no difference right? If that's the case it's been 10-[12 days already- wouldn't she have passed away already? And sitting on her tail- is that a sign for Mareks or something else?
Well I wasn't going to say that just yet I wanted to see if the antibiotics would help. But if its mereks they can live forever but be a carrier of it for life. That is if they pull out of it. Otherwise they can survive for several days before passing, sometimes even for a month before the tumors get so large and kill them usually they end up starving to death. The only way to really determine it is by having an autopsy done. But if and when she dies that is assuming she has it you should burn the body don't burying it because alls your doing is putting back into the ground for others to get. I'm crossing fingers that they antibiotics kick in and perks her back up.
Ok Thank you- I thought Mereks made them paralyzed in their legs too? Her legs aren't paralyzed as she will grip my fingers with her toes and push up with her legs..
She's had her 2 nd dose if antibiotics this morning.. I'm hoping ill see an improvement in 24 hours now she's on these meds. Is that about right? Ill give it to her 3 times a day. Oh & her crop was empty this morning so not compacted.. I actually think she had her eyes opened this morning while I fed her. Usually they stay shut.
I also had a good look inside her beak. Her tongue is very pale not sure if it should be and I noticed teeth like things on the roof of her mouth. But I'm thinking their normal? Do they have teeth on the roof of top beak??
I've never looked inside a chicks mouth before.
Her poos are getting more solid now that I've got her on baby food.. I need to trim the feathers away around her vent though..
Oh I hope she picks up and gets better. The amount of washing I have with her towels is tiring lol... Fingers x she improves this time..
I'm really really confused :(
Y girl has had 3 lots of antibiotics now & I keep thinking she is making tiny improvements. But she seems to be getting worse with her pushing herself backwards :( could this just be she's getting stronger in her legs, which is why she keeps falling back wards? It's strange causes he also seems to be able to right herself back into a normal sitting position too. Her eyes are starting to be open more- although she still can't stand on her own.. Also her crop is definitely emptying as it was completely empty this morning :) so that's good right.
Ummm this is soo frustrating and I'm petrified she has Mareks ! Mainly because she's not getting better. But then I remember to last week when her head was completely twisted so she must be getting better right????? You know when you manually open their eyes, they have like a jelly translucent eyelid over their eye until they move their eye open ( hope you know what I mean) well that bit is grey :( but I'm not sure if its ment to be grey in a black silkie??? She's not too hot and she's not cold. She only shakes when I have her between my legs while I feed her. But I think it's because I take her out of her toasty box lol. It's been chilly here lately- I really need some positive news. How long would you give her to improve with the antibiotics before you said they aren't working ???
Sorry for all the posts but I'm really losing hope. Can fix her :(

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