Wry Neck

It wont let me post the pics but as soon as i get the vitamin b complex i will give it to him and keep you guys updated on how he going:)
You are not an awful chicken owner. A person can only be stretched so far. There's some great YouTube videos on feeding a wry neck chicken that may help. Or another option is tube feeding (which in the long run would be much faster for both of you and all meds could go directly through the tube with food and water) If you are interested in looking into that search "go team tube feeding" on here for very detailed instructions. I think your set up in the coop is ideal...with the flock but protected. Give her some watermelon or cucumber (could even drip/sprinkle additional meds on them if it seems she has pecked at it so she's getting something. You are doing all you can so please don't beat yourself up.

When I got home, she wasn't looking too hot. But I let all of them, including her out again. She had a couple times when she flung her head around & ended up twisted. But more times than not, she held it together. She doesn't seem interested in the homemade turmeric tea (another nature method id read about for treating wry neck) but she doesn't seem to care about egg either. But she did chow down on some cantaloupe & layer feed. Sadly, I didn't get a chance to sprinkle any of the supplements on there.
Just gave ( Leo ) a gummy worm b complex pill they are all in the coop because there is a big storm hopefully i will see recovery in a week or so
I typically found that my little guy (Happy) was best in the morning. But he was a baby and hatched out with wry neck so was alone in a brooder as his mother rejected him and his siblings trampled him. Evenings his symptoms were horrible and his head was upside down between his legs. The best I can advise is to be consistent with their vitamins and measure progress over a week not day to day. May help you to take a pic each morning for your own comparison over time because (in my experience anyway) progress was slow and it was easy to feel defeated. In hindsight I wish had done that because there was many times I felt I should give up. I don't have one single picture of Happy with severe symptoms because I never wanted to remember that. Í
I am dealing with a guinea keet. It sounds like wry neck but it wasn't born that way. I got them thru mail order & 8 of the 12 died. This little one was puny from the get go. About a week ago, started with the twisted neck and running in circles backwards. It is FREAKY. Eats and drinks however. Been giving Vit E with mininal relief. This is my 1st adventure with Gunieas. B vit's? Euthanasia? I hate to do anything drastic cause he is such a fighter.
I am dealing with a guinea keet.  It sounds like wry neck but it wasn't born that way.  I got them thru mail order & 8 of the 12 died.  This little one was puny from the get go.  About a week ago, started with the twisted neck and running in circles backwards.  It is FREAKY.  Eats and drinks however.  Been giving Vit E with mininal relief. This is my 1st adventure with Gunieas.  B vit's? Euthanasia?  I hate to do anything drastic cause he is such a fighter.

If you can find selenium pills I would add that (1/2 a 50mcg tab daily) as it is required to absorb vitamin E. I also gave 2 drops of polyvisol children's liquid vitamin (without iron) and the vitamin B complex. My opinion is to give him a chance-especially since he's eating and drinking. They can and do recover fully.

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