Wry Neck

She was sun bathing on my lap and i just saw her run very good improvement and its only been two days thank you
She was sun bathing on my lap and i just saw her run very good improvement and its only been two days thank you :)

Very very welcome :) I have a special place in my heart for all the little ones that have extra challenges thrown at them in their short life. And I always find that when you can help improve things for them they have so much gratitude towards you! Thank you for caring for Leo so well
Your right Leo was better in the morning maybe because the vitamins ware off? at night

I think when they get tired their symptoms show more...just like people really. My dad had Alzheimer's disease and his symptoms were far worse in the evening or if he hadn't slept well. That's what I put it down to anyways.
Yeah that could be it and he was the first into the chicken coop he raced in there like a bowling ball
My little Genny seems to be worse when going to bed to first thing in the morning. If I'm home during the day, I'll check on her in her little taxi & sometimes she'll be sitting with her head turned & others, she'll be standing up with her head cocked to the side.

I'll let her out to walk around with the others in the afternoon/evening and she'll be fine for most of the time. Her head will be slightly cocked but she feeds & scratches with the rest of them. It gets problematic when it's time for bed because she can't get up into the coop & on the roosting bars. So, I'll pick her up & put her in the taxi and place her into the coop. Then we repeat the next day.

She doesn't seem to interested in drinking from the waterer (via nipple) so I have a cup set out for her in the yard when she's exploring. She doesn't seem too interested in that either. So, I'll poor water w/ niacin & selenium mixed in, along with some drops of Vit E oil, overtop of the little food plate I give her. She'll actually eat out of the feeder but I give her an individual food dish in the morning/in her taxi, to guarantee she's getting food.

And when she's out in the yard, she'll eat/drink up cantaloupe with the others. So, I'd like to think she isn't getting dehydrated.

This was her this morning.



Sadly, when I picked her up to try & get her to drink out of the bowl/put her back in the taxi so I could go to work, she twisted her neck back up.

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