Wry neck


Sep 29, 2020
My 6 month old chicken started doing this neck thing today, craned her neck back and was looking like a seizure or something. Sounds like wry neck/vitamin deficiency? Here's a video, if anyone has info: https://photos.app.goo.gl/gYeBNwWD3tfH5Nj49

She was scruffy before and I was considering worms, but now it looks like I need to up vitamins. I hear this is more common in chicks, does anyone have experience with older birds? I'm concerned it may be due to a neurological disorder or injury. Hope my lil gal gets better and I'll be keeping a close eye on her.
Oh and for treats a bit of scratch once a day, maybe a few scraps but not a lot. If you have any recommendations I'd love to know, it seems as if the feed balance is off and I hate to see it.

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