Wry neck

Lea Calleja

May 22, 2024
Thank you for your advice. 17 week cocchin unable to move with wry neck. Used vitamins and some antibiotics and brought her inside. Gave her Epsom salt bath. Saturday couldn't move Monday walking around yard. Most horrible thing to witness. Syringe feeding every 2 hours worked. Also gave her some iron as I noticed some mites. Vitamin b vitamin e magnesium and antibiotics were dapsone. Used massage on her neck. Don't despair. It did work. Will keep her inside for another week.
I'd be giving her a Vitamin E, whole, in her mouth. You can get her to open up by gently pulling down on her wattles. The B is good too. Follow the E up with a little bit of scrambled eggs as that helps the E to absorb, otherwise most of it won't.

Glad she seems to be improved though! But the E and B complex is what is recommended for wry neck. My silkies are prone to it though haven't gotten it, perhaps because I give them vitamin boosters daily in their feed.
It was awful. I did use vitamin e and b complex She couldn't stand for a couple of days. I think mites must have depleted her vitamin levels. I'm generally really good supplementing their food so going to wash all of them over next few days. Thanks this forum helped I was going to get her euthanased.

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