WTB (or trade) GLW hatching eggs


9 Years
Jun 13, 2010
West Virginia
I'm looking for someone closer than CA or TX (have had really poor hatch rates from so far away) to WV. Looking for good quality golden laced wyandotte hatching eggs. 6-12 eggs. Can trade pure Welsummer eggs or Indian runner duck eggs (pure but mixed colors - black, chocolate, some have white) if you are interested in trading.
Not any 'good quality' golden laced wyandottes out there. No one is working with them enough to even sell a dozen hatching eggs! I've been looking for the birds for 2 months now and everyone say to make my own.

Start with Duane Urch/Turnland Poultry and order your GLW chicks and go from there. They are the best bloodline around to start with as the rest are just hatchery stock, or folks just don't have enough to ship eggs or chicks!

Good luck.
I found some on eBay and they are under my broody now. I'm not so negative on hatchery stock. My understanding is that many hatcheries contract with private breeders to get their chicks and/or stock. At any rate, I don't need show quality, just would like proper combs and pretty birds

Thank you for the tips though and I hope that you are able to find the stock quality you are looking for. It is indeed amazing how different breeds and feather patterns go in and out of "style". You can find a million BLRW but not GLW - go figure lol!

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