WTB Partridge Cochin (LF) & White Silkie Bantam Pullets SC/SW Arkansas


11 Years
May 29, 2008
SC Arkansas
Does anyone have any or know of any Cochin pullets available near Arkadelphia, Sparkman, Camden, Amity, Hot Springs, or a nearby city?

Also would like one or two more white Silkie bantam pullets.

It's too hot to ship here and won't cool down for a good while. It was 104 yesterday. Thank goodness our coop has lots of big shade trees.

I have a gas guzzling van so driving very far is not an option.

I already have a small flock of chickens, including a very friendly Cochin cockerel and pullet, and would like the male to have more females. These are the standard ones, not the bantams. I really would like more of partridge color, but I might take white, but only if I can't find the partridge. Out of all our birds, the Cochins and Silkies are our favorites.

We don't eat our chickens, 3 out of 4 of us are vegetarians, but we do eat fresh eggs if they're from a healthy source, so these will be mostly pets and maybe we'll want some chicks out of them in the future.

Our other chickens are super tame and spoiled and fly up on our shoulders or laps to get petted when we're down at the coop and run. Of course I'd want the new birds to be friendly docile birds too, but most Cochins and Silkies are I think.

I can't afford top show quality, but I'd like them to at least conform to the standard if my kids ever want to try the fair just for fun at some time, so I don't want crosses.

Here is a link to a webpage (squidoo lens) that I just started if you want to see that the chickens will have a nice home. The main coop is very secure. I even concreted some wire in the ground around the back since it's close to the woodline, to keep them safe from preditors. I'm eventually going to add a small covered run to the coop so they can go outside when I'm not around. When I am around and keeping an eye out, they have a large pasture to run around in. Pretty good life I think. Yummy bugs and worms and lots of surplus garden veggies.


I'll be gone most of this afternoon but will be back tonight to see if anyone responds.

Have a nice day!
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Also, does anyone breed wheaton or blue wheaton true Ameraucana chickens (not Easter Eggers, I have some of those) around this area?

.....or blue/black/slash?

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