WTH is wrong with TSC? Chick purchasing nightmare.

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We think the first one is a rooster. Possibly the second one. If we took pictures of their combs, could anyone tell us?


i went to my local tractor supply and they did have gates up but like everyone else i think its a good idea vie seen kids drop chicks and jump into the brooder. i got 12 tetra tints one day and they made me fill out a form i thought it was stupid at first but i found out why. i went back a week later and wanted only 7 more i told the guy i had just bought 12 and this time they had some i have been wanting so he said sure i got 2 silkies 3 red pullets and 2 speckled sussex and when i checked out he asked for my name and he pulled out the form i signed and he said they use the forms so if you have bought chicks earlier they will let you get less than the minimum because on the form it says how many i have bought from them and you don't have to buy 12 every time you go their once you buy the minimum you can go back and buy any amount you want because they check the form to make sure you already have bough the minimum. i think what i wrote makes sence?
Now I don't know if the minimum number of chicks purchased is different for every state or every district. But in our store here in Indiana, we require, although I personally don't adhere to it rigidly, lol, the purchase of 6 minimum for chicks, 2 minimum for ducks, turkeys, guineas and geese. I have actually sold as few as 3 to some customers. As employees we are required to do whatever is necessary to accomadate the customer. So if that means only selling 2 or 3 to make the sale then that's what I do. 9 times out of 10 they will go and purchase there feed, lamps, feeders, etc. if you are nice and let them purchase the amount they want. I've even thrown in freebies from tanks if there is a small weak chick that I know the customer will take very good care of, i'll put it in it's own box and tell them to just take it with them and give it a good home. I would like that kind of service if I was a customer so that's the kind of service I provide as a TSC employee.
Our TSC has the livestock gates up, but the employees straight out told me they were too keep kids out and to go ahead and open them up to get in there and pick out my chicks.

At Southern States, there were no gates, but they put up signs saying kids were no longer allowed to handle the chicks. An employee told me they had had several chicks w/ broken legs b/c of children.
I have 4 kids, and I cannot understand why any parent would let a child handle unfamiliar animals unsupervised. Last time I went to Southern States, I had my (autistic) 5yo with me. While I was looking at the feeders, he ran over to the chicks and picked one up before I realized he had left my side. The lady who worked there told him he wasn't allowed to hold the chicks (and got a little peeved when he didn't respond, but he's autistic, you know?) When I went over to make him put it back, she said she could tell he knew what he was doing with them, but the rules are the rules. I agree. My kids won't hurt the chicks, but they need to follow the rules.
That's the way I see it as well. When we get our babies home we take the best care of them possible. Why shouldn't the store do the same. Our TSC had no gates just before the arrivals. Then a couple of weeks later they had moved the bins over and had little picket fences around them. I was glad to see that not just anyone could handle the chicks. Our local feed store didn't have gates. But it's small and you can't go through the door without them seeing you, saying hi, and keeping an eye on things. So letting the customer pick their chicks worked well there.
I wanted chickens more than anything!!!! I wanted to go to a local farmer... My pare ts said no and we went to TSC. Worst idea EVER!!! the guy said we were getting red sex links and RIR's... I got freaking light barahmas.... That is the last time I ever go to TSC.
There is a sign on the gate around the brooder at our TSC that says not to "nuzzle or kiss the chicks".... What? That's what I came in there to do!
We went to out TSC again the other day and when my 9yro asked to pet the chicks (the gates were closed) the lady there rolled her eyes at him and said "your really too young, but I guess it will be fine" and when he went to open the gate she turned and gave him this hateful look, didn't say anything though.
Here in Va this year at tsc you could pick them up and do whatever I went in about 2 weeks ago and all the animals chicks, ducklings & rabbits were in a corral thing with a lock saying dont touch and everything...dumb lol...but I have seen some crazy hyper kids mishandling them when I was in there
I think it must just be store specific because our TSC has the stock gates around the chicks/ducklings too. It's a smart thing on their part, as it takes away the risk of kids mishandeling (along with adults) and also takes the risk away of being accused of anyone getting sick.
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