WTH is wrong with TSC? Chick purchasing nightmare.

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OOh..what's that's black and white/cream one?
The one in the back with the black around it's eye is Patch :) we are pretty sure it is going to be a black white crested polish
I am super excited to see what the bantams grow up to be
It could be a WCBP, but looks more like a mottled Houdan to me. Has a smaller crest than a polish would have as a chick - unless it's just the angle of the picture. Will be beautiful either way :)
it wasnt at TSC but i think i know the reason that they make it so that only the workers can touch them: my friends and i were at a feed store and we were all handling the chicks, ducks, geese, etc and we all got pooped on except for me. one of my friens got pooped on by a gosling!
Man I am so happy I found a local feed store less than 5mins from my house! These TSC stories are not all that great in this thread!!
Here in Northern Alabama they had the chicks fenced off but now they just keep them in the back of the store. My friend said she had to ask about them (as she heard them) and then they tried to have her wait while they got the chicks for her, she threw a stink and insisted she pick her own. That didnt go over well and she ended up not buying any because of the attitude!
I live in Ohio and have had no problems at TSC. They do have the chickens and ducks corralled for good reason. This is my second year buying from them and never had to leave personal information.
When I lived in Texas, I got a few babies at TSC without any problems. I also got some from a local feed store. Usually, I would order from an online hatchery. Now that I am in Wyoming, there is an amazing store called Murdoch's that had a wonderful assortment of babies!
Yeah, the gates are new. The notebook is old. I made sure the chicks got food and water before I took them, though. I got sick of watching a chick getting cannibalized and finally asked for my 10 and left. Freaking guy threw a mushed chick, laying on it's back and mostly dead, in with about 35-40 other chicks. Made me sick watching one in particular drag that poor guy around - by the time I left, almost all it's toes on one foot was gone. The guy wouldn't let me pick my chicks, but I made sure I didn't get the cannibal.
The gates are their new, due to a TSC store in Tennessee where some sort of "gang" went in took the chicks and would bowl the chicks down the isles. Soo sad!
I have been having issues with my local TSC this year. Well just two younger employees in particular. They are just plain rude. They would not even let me look at my chicks in the store, just tossed them into the box and closed it. On top of that they could not tell me what breeds of chicks they had. The girl said that they are not told anything like that but I was in there another time and an older gentleman told me about the list that they get with each order. So I am assuming the girl was just too lazy to walk, the 15 feet, to where I know they keep the list and look. I am also rather sure that they are just putting their chicks into random bins. I was in there one day and they had BA in a feature breed/straight run bin. I came in three days later and all the remaining BA chicks had been mixed into a pullet bin. That is just a really shady business practice because they charge more for the pullets. Shame on them!
Everyone who was puzzling over why TSC asks for your personal information would do well to read up on the NAIS, Premise IDs, "stakeholders," pressure from the EU and the UN, and the USDA's post-2009 workarounds of so-called "voluntary participation" in the federal animal tracking program. It's not good.
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