WTH is wrong with TSC? Chick purchasing nightmare.

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I think it must just be store specific because our TSC has the stock gates around the chicks/ducklings too. It's a smart thing on their part, as it takes away the risk of kids mishandeling (along with adults) and also takes the risk away of being accused of anyone getting sick.

Our TSC now has the gates around the chicks, ducks, and bunnies. I really don't mind. The mgr said that a store somewhere had several chicks injured by children. The big problem now is that the same unsupervised wild kids are using the gates as jumgle gyms and are climbing all over them despite being told not to do so. I guess it is the same store of one roten apple spoiling the whole barrel.
wawasmama wrote:

I really think this signing your name thing is kinda shady.

I e-mailed their customer service and they said it is due to ag dept. requirements in some states.​
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The clerks at my local TSC in Kentucky told me they had trouble with last years chicks having salmonella in some of the stores . I guess that's why the chicks were gated off. I think it's a good idea because a lot of children pick the chicks up and don't wash and they could get sick from handling them. It also stresses the chicks and sometimes the breeds get put in the wrong spot.
Our TSC in Kentucky was the same this week with having gates around the birds. Really it is not a bad idea with the way some parents watch/or not their children. However if you are an adult I would hope I could pick my own out. Oh it was much easier to pass on buying them since I couldn't pick any up

Same here at our TSC. I also think it was a good idea. Some kids get rough and the parents do nothing about it... Sad reality.
Not sure about the gate thing, but when I lived in PA, any purchase of a live animal had to be recorded for the board of health, in case there was an outbreak and they had to contact the person who purchased. We used to have a snake who would only eat live mice, and I had to fill out a paper every time I bought a feeder mouse. It was a pain, but the law. I am guess that some states have that law, too.
Ours are gated off, the book is for dept of agriculture by what I was told. Info needed was very slack. Name, date, amount purchased. No biggie. One store is very very rude, one store is super awesome. So awesome, I actually gave one of barred rock roo chicks to the guy who helps me all the time when I go in, free of charge. I did hear that a big issue is kids with the chicks, parents use the chick area as an in store baby sitting center while they shop. Parents freak me the heck out some times!!! My kids luckily have been taught the proper was to handle animals of all sizes and shapes! ;)
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