WW's gender...READ please.

I've always known you were a girl. Seriously, guys are way too dumb to know the meaning of the word "wooing." And plus, you told me so that I could put you on the COY list.
I have always thought you were a girl. Then you said that you were a boy, and I was stunned. Now your saying your a girl. WHAT THE HECK???
But seriously, you need to make it a little clearer.
Wow. I'm glad I missed all this confusion.

The problem with BYC is there's not enough boys so when somebody says they're a boy, the girls go crazy. (No offence.
I'm a girl. )
Oh my god! I'm just sitting here kicking meself!

I knew you were a girl.

Who do you think your foolin' when you talk to me???
I have to say...that was the best joke I've ever played!
I knew that some of you guys knew I was a gal, (such as the aforesaid mentioned I was hatching chicks in my bra and make-up) so I couldn't stay undercover too long. But, oh man, while people thought I was a boy, girls were talking to me in a very chatty way...
Makes ya wonder, huh?
There, I used a girly smiley face!
Those pages on the Crazycockerel thing though were so funny. Read over them again! And split a side.
I seriously doubt a boy would come up with the name Mitty, and all of her feelings. Seems like a boy would have made a story up like 'shoot 'em up' or 'ogres...' or 'gun happy morons'.
Ducky! Your a GFM?

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