Wyandotte compatibility with submissive breeds

We have 3 GL Wyandotte young hens and they are "easy keepers" so far. I barely even notice them amongst the others. They are relatively quiet and calm. They are coop mates with 3 Buff Orpingtons, 4 Bielefelders, and 3 Barred Rocks. All of them seem to get along well but the Buff Orps and one of the Barred Rocks like to come up to me and "tattle" on the others ever time I am at the coop. The same ones did that when they were in a larger population in Chicken Tractors. LOL

We HAD 2 GL Wyandotte roosters and they were super aggressive to the pullets / hens and me and my beautiful wife. After being separated a few weeks they only got meaner. So they ended up making very tasty young rooster chicken and noodles. I love my chickens but life's too short to put up with too much nonsense from 6lb birds.


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