Wyandottes back looks terrible (PICS INCLUDED)

That's feather picking caused by other birds. Tough luck. Miserable habit to try to break.

You need to figure out who is doing the damage. Once you establish who is doing it you need to separate that bird for a couple weeks. If several birds are doing the damage then you need to keep them separate from each other and separate from the flock.

There are several products on the market to try to alleviate the problem behavior- Hot Pick/No Pick, pine tar, Vick's VapoRub, and pinless peepers. You may have some measure of success with any of those products. The topicals need to be re-applied frequently. The peepers are a one shot deal, but don't always fit all birds.

You should probably look at their diet and add some extra sources of protein to make sure the habit is not a dietary deficiency. Some toys and hiding holes may liven things up in the run so they are too busy to pick at each other.

Lastly, are the living conditions too crowded or lacking in daylight? Both will lead to behavioral issues in birds.

I hope this helps. Good luck.
The healthy shell is due to calcium though I wouldn't doubt that protein plays a part in forming a good looking egg. Have you checked for mites? I've read on these forums that people dust their birds with Sevin. I think that's what it's called. Some even use DE. You could do a search for both and see what it turns up for you.
As stated there are only 3 hens, they do not peck each other and don't pull their own feathers. They have a coop that can handle more than 3 chickens and the coop has been thoroughly cleaned and the coop and hens have been inspected for any type of bug problem. Also, we have Pick-No-More, and have used it in the past. They're free-range birds, and they get plenty of sunlight and excercise. We also give them treats to entertain them, especially if we have to lock them up in the pen for any reason.
OK... Could she have been attacked by a predator that ripped all the feathers out of her back then?
Once again, all three of our chickens have the same bald spot. It is not just one lone chicken. Also, they have basically looked like that since June, so I sincerely doubt that it is the work of a predator. And besides that, a wound from a predator would have healed by now, and there are no signs of blood or any other injuries. The only problem is the bald spots on each one of the chickens.
Hmm I see what you mean they are quite large bald patches, I would normally go towards either mites/lice or feather plucking. But you seem quite sure that its not lice and I would be really suprised that all the chickens are feather eating each other in the same place.

What feed are they on?

Do you ever see re-growth in the bald patches? Are the birds related?
They eat Purina Layena pellets. On one hen it looks like there may be a little re-growth. I don't know if they are related, got them at a country feed store.

Sounds like there def is not a problem with the feed as well.

How long have you had them? The only thing I can think of is that there has been some damage there previously and that the patches are taking longer to re-grow after their moult.

Keep an eye on the re-growth and if it disappears then poss you do have a sneaky feather plucker.....poss at night?

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