
I feed blue seal brand layer crumbles (not organic). I also offer scratch thats made with cracked corn, oats, and wheat. They are allowed to free range for most of the day. Its not exactly free ranging because its a fenced yard, but they have about an acre to roam.

Judy lays green eggs. Sort of a sage-green shade.

I hope they are around for a much longer time, they're great pets.
Thank you!

i have 5 hens and 2 roosters of blr wyandottes, 20 chicks, 80 eggs in bator. also have 9 silver laced wyandottes about 8 weeks old pictures on byc page
Hi, i have a few wyandottes, 2 standard SLW, 2 standard GLW, and so far 1 bantam buff columbian wyandotte, or at least that is what she was supposed to be. The standards are very sweet and friendly, like being picked up and held, will sit with me and fall asleep. My little bantam is more skittish but she is still friendly and curious.

Hearing about your girls is inspiring. I hope my birds do nearly so well under the same conditions. Thanks for sharing.
Don't have any Wyandottes yet. I would like to create Blue Columbian Wyandottes LF, I don't care for bantams too much.
I'm having to hold off creating for now because I need pens and more space for what I already have. Maybe in a year or two I can get started on them. In the mean time if there is anyone out there that wants to start working on them Make a go of it.
I will be getting a few SLW around the end of June yaaaay!
I am so excited! Can't wait and very very excited. I was going to get GLW as well but feed store doesn't carry them anymore so I am going between BO and EE as a fourth breed. Will watch this thread

Anybody have broody Wyandottes?

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