X-box 360. Is it worth it? What r some good games?


11 Years
Oct 28, 2008
My b-day is almost here and i think i am going to ask for an xbox 360. Is it worth the money for it? What are some good games

Pretty weird topic 4 a chicken forum eh?
NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Well, alright, that isn't a really good answer I guess. We have had one for about two years I suppose. There is a problem with the system (I couldn't tell you what) that causes them to just quit working all of a sudden. They cannot be repaired. We have sent one back for a replacement so far, just about to send the replacement back for the same thing. The company knows about the problem and just sends you a box to mail it to them then sends a new one in its place. I have heard of people who are on the 5th or 6th replacement unit. That's really all I know...I don't play thing.
I agree, my son got his at the end of Nov. For his B.D. and its barely working now.( he only plays about an hour a day and not every day). In the beginning it was great, it loaded games so fast we thought it was awesome. Now I wish we never bought it. BTW we have the middle one. Not the best one. Not the cheesy one. For $300 I would have expected it to work a little better.
We have one, and atleast once in your ownership you will get the death ring. The death ring is when you power button flashes red on all four lines. You will have to send it back to microsoft and they will send you a refurbished one, the shipping usual takes about a month aswell since they have to get it take it apart resend etc. It happend to us they told us it was due to over heating. Xbox 360's are the worst game systems for girls, the about only fun game there that isnt football or killing zombie, aliens, etc. is Viva Pinata and even that I dont like!
Sorry, I wish I could suggest something. But I wish I could throw ours out the window. Now we have two.

I hardly ever see my husband, and my kids are always wanting to play. Nothing ever gets done either. The people on xbox live use fowl language, talk trash, etc.

I didnt have a problem with it until no one wanted to spend time with anyone else anymore. The games are more important, it seems. They take over your life.

Should you get one... not if you want a life.
Sorry for double posting, but we got the death ring too.

The tech told us to unplug and replug the system in. It worked. but yes, we have had to send ours in a few times as well, rather frustrating and we have the Elite version.
Well i didnt read this and i got the system first and now i am starting to regret it.
personally i wouldnt....mine broke after a year and so did my buddies.....i got a PS3 instead and its grrrrrrrrrreat! PS3 flakes, are better then the 360, and theyre grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat!

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