Ya know you live out in the boonies when....

lol I think we are the only people that live on a paved road in our family!! Some live on chip n seal county roads, but we live on a state road...which sometimes feels like an interstate! lol
How about you buy gas at your local pizzaria, or pizza at your local gas station.
Awhhh---just thought of another one

You know you live in the boonies when : you keep an old car parked on the other side of the bridge, because you never know when your bridge will get washed out and you'll be stranded
When people are lost and make a wrong turn and end up sliding to a stop in front of your house and peel rubber and scatter gravel because you walk outside carrying the rifle you just got done cleaning to see who showed up.

You pull off the road to make room for farm equipment to pass.

You blast past the tourist who is driving 5mph to keep the dust off of their car and you need to get that part home.

You know your neighbors brands so you call them when their cattle are out or you have them on speed dial.
you go to ladies night at the feed store. and are thrilled when you win the big prize of the night. CAMOUFLAGE MUCK BOOTS
my feet have been warm and dry all winter.

the sheriff calls YOU when there is a report of livestock running loose. doesn't matter whose it is I get the call.
-when you have no house marker and are simply known as "that dirt road going into the woods"

-when the pizza place won't deliver to your house or gets lost and shows up an hour later

-Chickens own the front porch and yard; demanding treats from every visitor who comes in and out of the yard.

-when raccoons break into your house through the cat doors in the middle of the night.

-when your father tries to prune a tree with a shotgun (true story)
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I'll hold ya to it .. (And might come home with some silkies.. lol)
When you don't have to worry about what kind, or how many animals you get.

When SSS is standard practice and no one questions it.

When you can walk out the door in your underwear to get something out of the truck.

When you look forward to the mail man and his junk mail.
And on a related note to walking around outside in various states of dress -

When you can tell your teenaged daughter to get something from outside, she pitches a fit over how she looks (she was wearing her pajamas yet, not taken a shower) and the only response is "WHO is going to see you exactly???" and she then stomps outside.

Alas, her older brother tormented her further once she came back inside with "Oh boy, now the guineas are going to have something to gossip about!"

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